
Does My Daughter Father Care About Her? He has only seen her 3 times since she was born and she is 5 months

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Does My Daughter Father Care About Her? He has only seen her 3 times since she was born and she is 5 months




  1. well how far away does he live

  2. im not totally sure, and you should really ask him, but if you guys are fighting (and im not completely sure you are cuz u didnt say anything) he might be tense about it. and if it wuz an accidental pregnancy he might not be ready 2 accept responsibility as a father.

  3. Im not sure, the only person who can truly answer that is him. My son's father has never seen him and doesn't want to.. I know he doesnt care.

  4. Probably not.

  5. Since it would appear that you two aren't together then there could be a few reasons why he hasn't seen her--all of which need to, should be put aside for her sake.

    If you guys weren't together through your pregnancy then he just may be feeling detached for her.  He hasn't really had a chance to bond with her.  Some men need a little more time then others.

    If you guys are fighting a lot, it could be more of an avoidance to you then to her.  If you are--stop!!  I know that it is easier said then done, but you have come to a place in your life where her needs have to go before yours.  Her father will be/could be just as important in her life as you, but you have to give him that chance too and not be on his case all the time.

    Of course, the guy could just be a s*****k, too  That's always a possibility since there are plenty of them out there.

    The next time that you talk to him, try asking him why he hasn't--ask without yelling, judging, or whining.  It might help.  Do what you can tho to work with him through whatever his issues are.

    If he's a s*****k tho--don't chase him.  You can't force him to be a good father if he chooses not to be.  You can, however, take him to court and make him pay childsupport and at least contribute to her life financially--plus then he has a weekly reminder of her!

  6. my daughters father has never met her and she is going to turn 20 i feel strongly on always telling her no matter what your father cares and loves you he just has a different way of showing thatn i do so please think good and loving thoughts of him one day he may come to you to let you how much he does love you.

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