
Does My Employer have to provide Safety footwear etc if there is only four men working for him?

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Just need some advice. I have now started a PAYE job after 10 years of being self employed. My Boss say's he doesnt have to supply safety footwear, But both of the contracts he has on sites state" no safety PPE, NO WORK". We are a 4 man gang of road asphalters, and lay hot tarmac. He say's we can get safety footwear on one of his accounts at a builder centre, but he will have to stop the money out of our wages. This does'nt sound right to me. I have just read the health and safety work act 1974 and it says that "if an employer has 5 or more employee's, there has to be a risk assessment" but there is only 4 of us working for this old scrooge! Any advice would be much appreciated.




  1. How is the economy in your area? Are you glad to have a job? If your area is in the tank too it might be good to stop whining and fork out the $100.  If you couldn't keep yourself in business then this employer is probably having as much trouble too. Everyone is cutting corners. Yea - it would be nice if he would just buy them - actually will give company discounts if you want to do some research as see if you can get some help with them. Fuel is probably killing the company too - so why not try to get an allowance if not the whole price. Good luck

  2. consider this as part of the cost of being employed. you will recoup that investment quickly and it will likely prevent career limiting injuries.

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