
Does My Name Fit Me??? just wondering...

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my name is katherine and people always tell me that it doesnt fit me. I would have to agree with them. Out of curiosity, do you think i look like a "katherine" and would any of the nicknames for it fit me??? if not, what name would fit me better?? [:

here are some links to my pics




  1. Wow, you truly aren't a Katherine...

    Kat really does suit you.

    one other name that fits in my opinion would be Delilah.

  2. omg ur such a sarah!!!! or stephanie lol

  3. you look like a katie, emily, amy, lily, kat, or lin idunno lol

  4. I picture your name to some little blonde :( you look like an Angel or a Marianna

  5. Go by Ine or Theo or Kat or Kay if you want to keep your name as a base: katherINE for Ine, kaTHErine for Theo, KATherine for Kat, Katherine Kay is the sound for "K"

  6. i don't think u look like a katherine but i think kat would b a cool nickname for u.

  7. it fits you i think

  8. Lucy, Carly, Joanna, Kaylee.

    haha sorry, i agree with your friends :)

    *little miss fashionista

  9. yeah kind of... you look like a Katie

  10. Kathrine is a cute name, ive always liked it, and it fits you well  

  11. A Katherine would typically be a needy, worrysome person.  You kinda are on the mark there, hon.

  12. you do look liek a Kat

    i cant picture people calling you kathrine lol..

  13. no you dont look like a katherine

    more like a victoria!

  14. Hmmm, you really don't look like a Katherine lol!

    IMO you look like a Lucy or Violet!

    You do look like a Kat!

  15. I think it fits you.

  16. i dont mean to be horriable , but it dont suit u ,u sould shorten it to katie it would suit u better i think ,,

  17. kat

  18. Hmmm.....I think you look like a Maya or a Sophia.

    But since you're not either of those, I think you should go by Kat.  That would suit you better.

  19. it doesn't really suit you but it also kinda does.

    maybe katie. ?

    hope i helped  


  20. I think it fits you,, maybe Kathy would be better as a nickname if you want, or Kath.

  21. As soon as I seen your photos I though KAT! you look like a Kat so yes, I say your name fits... people always call me Jennifer, even when they dont know I have a sister with that name... odd...

  22. You would make a good Danielle!

  23. you look like a kat.

  24. i dont think you look much like a Katherine, i think you should get called Katie cause you suit that and it wouldnt be completely changing you name ;) x

  25. You definitely look more like a Katie or a Kat

  26. Kat fits

  27. youu want to get lunch  

  28. i think the name "kat" would suite!!! your very pretty :-)

  29. You should love your name, it's somethin g that represents you as a person, and it's what makes you who you are,  and unique at that..

    My full name is Chrysanthee Emily.. , but i get called Anthee or Anthee Emily

    So if it really bothers you and u have  a 2nd name, you could use that.

    Katherine is a nice name and i think it  could suit you, i don't even see how a nae DOESN'T suit anyone..

    Kat Kate Katie Kaz ..

    You can be creative with it, make somethin of it that u like..

    Like say.. someones name is Lillian  Maye and she doesn't like it..

    She could make it into Lilly Maye or Lilly or Maye or Lilz Or liz or lynn etc etc

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