
Does NASCAR 09 from EA Sports have multiplayer?

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If it doesnt, im not even gonna buy it...




  1. yea. my cousin is actually part of the team that's helping to develop Nascar 2009 here at the Bay Area EA branch. there's definately going to be a multiplayer element.

  2. no it doesn't that sucks

  3. i guess your talkin about split screen multiplayer?..but anyways for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 No it will not be multiplayer but for the Playstation 2 there will be..hope this helps.

  4. im about to sell my xbox 360 so i dont really care much anymore, nascar 08 was one of the major reasons i bought the 360 and then it turned out to be a major let down :( . when ever i feel like playin nascar now i fire up the old ps2 and play some nascar thunder 2003.

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