
Does NITROUS OXIDE cause drain bamage?

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I went to the dentist for teeth cleaning and they used Nitrous Oxide during the procedure. I have felt a bit fuzzy ever since and it has been about 24 hours. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration regarding this matter.

Oops...I meant "Brain Damage" and is it temporary or permanent. I cannot afford to lose anymore IQ points:-)




  1. Oxygen depravation causes the damage.  Any gas can be inhaled in the place of standard air and hence cause Oxy dep.  After a certain amount of time you will lose consciousness and eventually have brain damage.

  2. I always get nitrous when I go to the dentist. The effects wear off relatively quickly. Ask to be given oxygen right after the procedure is done, your head will be more clear, and you won't get confusion.

  3. Nitrous can actually kill you if you don't get enough oxygen with it.   If you had enough to give you brain damage you probably wouldn't be up walking around now.   It would have effected your blood pressure and heart rate and you would have been gone unconscious

  4. When used properly, nitrous has no side effects. The key is to be sure to not get the amount of nitrous too high and give plenty of oxygen before removing you from it. They should have given you at least 5 minutes of 100% O2 to clear all nitrous out and get you back to normal. If they dont give you enough it can leave you feeling a bit off with headaches, etc. It is all fine. If an office were to give you WAY too much nitrous it can be dangerous. It is recommended not to give more nitirous than 50%. If they give more for too long it can cause paralysis and brain damage and death. No office should be using that amount. Usually you would vomit and feel very nauseous if they gave too much. The dizzy, lightheaded feeling is normal when nitrous is in use. It is never safe for pregnant women.

  5. Being that the gas was administered by a (hopefully) professional, no, you probably won't have brain damage.  However, drugs such as that don't go away immediately.  It's the same reason why people can't just leave a surgery and go off driving, the drug is still in their system.  

  6. Once you are off the gas, it is totally cleared from your system, that is how you are allowed to drive yourself to and from the appointment with this drug....It leaves your system immediately!

    Your'e fine..

  7. mmh yes and no.  The Nitrous Oxide itself cant hurt you, but if they didn't mix it with enough Oxygen during the procedure you might have had Oxygen deprivation.  

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