
Does NJ Gov Corizine Really Care About Global Warming and the Environment, or is he Just a Poser?

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Gov Corizine passes the "Global Warming Response Act" with Al Gore at his side last year to great fanfare, and then slashes the Dept of Environmental Protection budget to the point that they can't actually impliment it. Not only that, but the cuts at DEP have forced them to close several state parks that had been open for 50+ years in some cases.

The following blog is written by Bill Wolfe, before you discredit it, read his bio:




  1. EPA isn't controlled by congress so it isn't surprising that they would reduce the budget. They can blame Bush for anything that doesn't get done.   If Obama gets elected, I suspect the budget will increase.  Corsine has proven to be a partisan that is mostly interested in acquiring power IMO.

  2. Every state governor is stalling. They are waiting to see what the Feds will offer, which is nothing.

  3. I think he really cares.  But the economy is bad, revenues are down, and he has to make some cuts.  Everybody will say, "not in the area I'm interested in, cut somebody else".

  4. Not knowing that much about the "Act", my guess..... based on the little I DO know about Corzine.... is that he is being fiscally responsible with the State's money.  I recall that he has been pretty adamant in the past that Jersey not spend money like a drunken sailor...... (especially for something so 'iffy' as AGW).

    Then again..... I may be thinking about someone else.

  5. The cuts are going to get worse. Believe me. Far too many "green" impliments are going to be proven too expensive to activate. Our economy is no longer in any shape to roll with the environmental punches. There will be lots of talk, but I cannot see in the foreseeable future, any real work being done. Currently, it looks next to impossible to get China or India on board for any kind of environmental agreement. Until these counteries change their minds (and it does not look as though they will) all we will hear is talk. Many politicians (like Corzine) talk the environmental talk, and much of it is to appease their voting public with the hope that they will remain in office. Al Gore is no model to follow. His exploitations of what he preaches are now known, and he is no example.

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