
Does NLP work? If so how?

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Or is it just having a more positive attitude.





  1. No, just another new age fad.

  2. Neuro Linguistic Programming is like a lot of other "new" therapies out there these days.... They work as well as you want them to.

    A friend of mine is an NLP practitioner, and he has had success with clients in helping them using NLP. NLP uses different aspects of other therapies to work, including hypnotherapy. It's more the language used. For example, if you tell someone to TRY something, you're really telling them to FAIL. your Brain takes "try" as meaning "fail". (Like star wars, there is no try, there is only do? It's true, in brainspeak.)

    I would suggest checking out a few nlp websites.

    There's another one out there, it uses aspects of NLP, and the man is highly recognized and respected in NLP circles, but he's developed his own thing, and he calls it "Thought Pattern Management". I have been through sessions of TPM and believe me, it does work. I still have more work to do, but I wouldn't be alive today without Robert Fletcher and his work. Check out his website.

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