
Does Nancy Pelosi ever STOP vacationing? What the h**l did she do after her LAST vacation?

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Why doesn't she take a "staycation" like every one else is forced to do, and STAY IN WASHINGTON and do something to LOWER GAS PRICES!!!




  1. it would be great if you studied a little history and maybe a few economics courses, too. While i am not a pelosi fan by any means, i do find it unfortunate there are still people like you who still think we can drill our way out of the economic mess we in which we find ourselves. Turn on any station on tv--even fox news--and you will hear economists and scientists say drilling here will not alter the gas prices. And it will continue to affect our changing weather patterns. The right can deny and spin all they want, their demands and know-it-all-attitude will only serve to show their obstinance. The right fails to honestly ask---and answer--- one simple question: "who led us to where we are today?"  

  2. You got to be freaking kidding me!! Bush has spent more time on vacation than any other president in history. And the price of gas lies squarely on his shoulders. The reason we are paying this ungodly amount at the pumps and oil companies are raking in record profit is directly related to the top secret, closed door meeting with the oil company leaders that Cheney and Bush had during their "energy meeting". If they have nothing to hide then why do they refuse to give over any documentation about the meeting. The Bush administration will not even tell the American people who all attended these meetings!

    I agree Pelosi is worthless. What she should be doing is investigating the many abuses of power and instances of corruption in the Bush administration so that he can be impeached before he gets out of office and won't be able to pardon all his Republican cronies who have already been busted.

  3. The less Pelosi does in government the happier I am.

  4. dang politicians have more vacations and breathers then Y! Questions and Answere...sorry we are taking a breather ? or a coffee break?

    probably this country is going to go on a permanent vacation if the

    Congress don't stop p***y footing around and do something besides

    collecting a fat paycheck and voting *present*

    I don't care who wins as long as they get this country moving again!~P

  5. n**i is less dangerous when she's on vacation. I wish she would take a permanent vacation and never come back.

    She never does anything that's helpful so she might as well stay away

  6. Her comment to America at the DNC was 'Drill you heads", because we will not be drilling for oil in America.  She does not give a rats buttocks about what America wants.  She stood up their and spit in the face of Americans and all the liberals do not get it.  They will when they are paying $8.00 a gallon of gas and paying 50% of their income in taxes but until then we just have to sit back and shake our heads at how ignorant they are.  

  7. Lower gas?? Hm. Tell Bush to stop the WAR!

    Always attacking the Democrats huhh.... how cute!

    When you're done with that HATERADE... let me know.

  8. Hilarious. True Patriot said nothing substantive whatsoever. There's a reason congress has a lower approval rating than Bush. It's because it doesn't do anything. They all just go on vacations, and completely avoid anything that looks like work. Apparently, Democratic leaders and their constituents have a lot in common.

  9. Kinda stupid to let a big jet set idle. Especially when it's "free."

    At least Paris Hilton is cuter, more entertaining, more sensible, and doesn't cost me a penny.

    (In fact, she's paying more for Pelosi's jet than I can cough up....)

    File this answer in your "Go figure" folder. That's where I dump all the Pelosi stuff...

  10. she went on a 'staycation' in washington as soon as she was named speaker...hasn't done SQUAT since then

  11. Having actually taken and done reasonably well in an economics class at a top tier university, I'm wondering if you could possibly explain precisely how she could immediately lower gas prices short of price controls, a move which I have no doubt that you and the rest of the GOP would object to. If you actually think approving offshore drilling is going to magically lower gas prices any time within the next 5 years, there's this bridge that I'm looking to unload, and I think you might be the person to buy it.  

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