
Does Naruto ever kiss Sakura in shippuden?

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  1.  vincent goh you just told that it is -_-

  2. I think Sakura will go on a date with Naruto and then they will kiss. But i dunno when is that episode gonna be

  3. As of yet,  Naruto and Sakura have not kissed. But seeing how they are getting closer and falling in love with each other, I'm almost positive they will kiss soon.

  4. I dont agree with that! Sakura and Naruto does kiss! I myself have a Screenshot of it and it is not fan-made!

  5. Nah, the screenshot you saw is just a fan-made...The truth is that they never kissed. They hug but they didn't kiss...I hope they kiss with each other because this will be the most memorable of all NS series.

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