
Does Nikolay Davydenko have a chance at winning the U.S. Open this year?

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I really hope he does well this year, but I doubt he can get pass the Big "3".




  1. ummm probalyyyyyyyyyy....he is not as good as federer and i never seen federer face Nojak. So he might. but if he does WIN!! ill be surprise, not disappointment because he had a chance  

  2. Nah, i doubt it. Then again anything is possible in tennis. Davydenko is a good player but lacks consistency to keep up with the big boys!!! I reckon lil baldy Nicky is a cutie :) ahahahaha  

  3. mmm.. i don't think so, that's the thing with davydenko he's a good player but he never reaches more than semis 'cause that's when he faces the top guys and he always looses to them, so that's why i don't think he can win the us open or get to the final, he'll probably loose in semis or quarters, sorry :(, that's what happens to us who cheer for someone outside the top 3, we almost never see our favorite player win any slam or even get to the final

  4. no

  5. No, probably not. Rafa is coming on the court hot from all his winning and more confident then ever. Nikolay doesn't have great slam resaults, I am not so sure why he is in the top 10. He rarely wins tournaments. I think he won't even come close to the finals.  

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