
Does OCD and post tramatic tress disorder get worse the 1st year after you had a baby?

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Does OCD and post tramatic tress disorder get worse the 1st year after you had a baby?




  1. Hormonal changes can definetly affect conditions such as OCD. I would speak to your family doc or psychiatrist about it. Especially the PTSD because of a higher risk of post pardom depression.

  2. Well it is different for each person. I am sure the natural stress a parent feels after having a child + post tramatic stress will build a bit on each other.

    And as for OCD it depends on the kind of OCD you have. My mother is ODC and when she had kids she cleaned twice as much.

  3. I found I had only mild symptoms until I become pregnant with my first child, then, for some reason the symptoms got a lot worse.

    While pregnant with my 3rd and 4th children I was a stressing wreck, and my OCD was out of control, but since my son has been born I am now much better. I still have a lot of worrying thoughts of things happening to my kids, but nothing like I was like.

    The first year of your babies life is a very worrying time for any mum, and especially those dealing with OCD and Post traumatic stress. Visits with a specialist aware of your history are very important at this time.

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