
Does Obama's European publicity tour now make him a foreign policy expert? After all, he did spend 1 day in

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Afghanistan and 2 days in Iraq. Shouldn't that clinch it to qualify him as a leading expert in Afghani/Arab relations?




  1. dont people see the name its so simple, look at his name what do you get from his name, barrack obama? lets see, barrack sounds like iraq, and obama sounds like oh bomb ah.  and the easiest sign is , obama=osama ?   lets just stick our typcal douche bag in there instead.  here comes the towel

  2. So now his experience is 2 years 1 day? LOL

    It will only take him 30 minutes in any Arab country, they already know him very well......

  3. no, but at least people in other countries seem to like him.  that's a pleasant change.

  4. its so sad that even he can see the foreign policy blunders of the "experts" McCain and Bush...

    I think it's to the point were most average americans can even...

    we just want someone who's competent at this point...

  5. no it didnt

  6. In the week that he has spent overseas he has gained more experience then Bush his Dad and even his dead grand pa. He got better grades in school then bush could dream of when ever he sobers up.

  7. I think you're kidding. In that case you really have to work on your delivery.

  8. Who cares what other citizens of other countries in the world think of him.  I'm voting based on what I think is in the best interest of THIS country (USA).  And guess what, it isn't Obama.  People are stupid.

  9. I am sure that Obama know knows where Iraq is located.

  10. Sadly, no sniper fire. It will make for some good bed-time stories for the girls.

  11. Absolutely!  In fact, I went to Christmas Eve mass last year AND Easter morning services, so obviously I'm now qualified to be the pope.  Cool!

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