
Does Obama's attack on McCain not knowing about everything his wife does with her money prove they are sexist?

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John McCain has more money than most people in the United States. Like John Kerry he married a rich woman who manages money very well.

McCain, like every other reasonable spouse in the nation, does not know about everything his spouse does and his spouse can buy and sell homes the way some women buy and sell Avon cosmetics.

Every time I hear Democrats whining about John McCain not knowing how many homes his wife has purchased or sold it makes me disgusted to know that this oppressive pro-slavery Democratic party is still encouraging the basest of sexist prejudices.

Imagine, a man who does not control everything his woman does.

Democrats seem to think a man who doesn't run his wife is pretty stupid.

What do you think?




  1. Strange Marriage if you do not communicate.

    Well, when you have too much money you do not have to ask, what

    does it cost to stay in this place. Therefore McCain may not even

    know it the place is theirs or somebody else's.


  2. McCain should have answered, 'my wife handles the finances' not knowing you own 7 or 8 homes seems strange?

    Obama sexist-sure looks that way....

  3. I think that Obama isn't a serious candidate.

    He's a great orator.

    Michelle Obama - Is everything that is wrong with AMERICA.

    She's had the best of what AMERICA has to offer and is CLUELESS about it.

    She looks at the glass as 1/32 empty.

    I just wish - people wouldn't vote RACE or for ROBBIN'(sic) Hood.

    Free health care?  Come on!

    Re-distribution of wealth?  That's fine if you're not working hard for your money.

    McCain isn't perfect - He's DEAD WRONG on lots of things.  But compared to having an "OBAMANATION"... the choice should be clear.

  4. Astute view of this issue.

    My argument is why at this day and age are we arguing over money?  Why do we continue to fall for the class envy politics - I know it is rule #1 in the Democrat handbook but really?

    It's no secret that the McCain household is quite wealthy.  I am betting that these properties were legally obtained without the help of dubious loans and characters....

  5. Lol...I think you forgot the leader in 'the basest sexual prejudices'. McCain still takes the cake on that issue. He has called his wife all sorts of dirty names, made rape jokes, made abuse jokes, actively tried to stop equal pay for women....and lets not even get into a discussion about his former wife and how he treated her.

  6. McCain should have answered, "We didn't get any of our property from Tony Rezko."

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