
Does Obama's choice in his VP 'Palin' comparison to McCain's?

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And why does it seem that if you don't for Obama, you are racist, but if you are voting for McCain you are sexist?




  1. Ol Sleazy Joe, is pale in comparison to anyone with character and integrity.

    @Thewonde...(above) - Did I read you correctly?  Do you seriously believe Biden is more qualified than Palin?  Biden has never so much as mananged a Kool Aid stand.  All he has ever done is make speeches and cast votes.  Palin sir, has at least served as a Governor.  She has Executive experience well beyond that of Biden or Obama.

  2. Nice pun. I think McCain chose Palin because he figured that may sway some Hillary supporters. Otherwise, it doesn't seem like an obvious choice whatsoever because McCain and Palin are two different types of Republicans. So I don't think it does pale in comparison, because McCain just seems to be playing cards with the public. Just my opinion though. And I don't understand why people have to keep bringing up gender or race issues- neither make one a better candidate. But whoever wins, it'll be a first. First woman for VP, first black president, this'll be in interesting election.

  3. Obviously Joe Biden is more qualified to be president than Palin, so no. Regarding your question about racism... has someone told you you'd be a racist if you didn't vote for Obama? Maybe it seems that way because its all in your head.

  4. The only reason that Palin was nominated was because she's got a nice 'Barack'.  The Democrats just need to 'Biden' thier time, and they will win.

  5. um obama picked senator joe biden mccain picked sarah palin...hence the fact shes a republican

  6. The dem ticket should be turned around.

  7. Amazing how the radical left spins their own spin isn't it?

    Well if you're a female and believe McCain is sexist for picking a female govenor, mother of five who goes hunting and fishing and was a star basketball player, and took on the old boys network in her own party, whose nickname is barracuda and who men consider a maverick in her own state, I don't know what to say but HELLO?!! WAKE UP ladies!

    Experience! they scream, where's her experience?!

    I guess they confuse the Presidents job with the Vice

    the dems can be inexperienced for prez but experienced for vice?

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