
Does Obama's grassroots movement scares you? Buying the media and its pundits, buying politicians,..?

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unprecedented fraud registration of felons in many states ( the federal government investigating it right now) , buying the superdelegates and his party delegates for total loyality, recruiting people to monitor the internet and try to spot anything that could be critical of him and report it like yahoo answers or other forums. Does USSR ring a bell? I don't know if its just me, but Obama dirty tactics to win really scares me. He's acting like he's already the president and confident that nobody can stop him. By not picking Hillary and trying to silence all his critics it showd this man is not a forgiving person and will say and do anything to win. This really reminds me of the soviet union and their didctators who were controlling everything , Obama is really scary




  1. Yes, I've heard these liberals say they want a one party system, that's communism.  (Big Brother).  If they succeed, the government will tell them (what, when, where, why, and how).

  2. Here we have a supporter of the George Bush policies, a supporter of McSame, the man who embraces Bush (literally) and wants to continue his path.....and he is frightened of Obama!

    Obama did not write the Patriot Act.  He didn't get his lawyers to okay torture. He didn't agree to "rendition," the nasty practice of sending prisoners to horrible and painful deaths.  He didn't lie to start a war. He didn't continue lying about the success of the war.  He didn't ignore Osama bin Laden and move from his vicinity to Iraq.  He didn't set up the ipso facto government of Iraq.  He didn't wiretap the American people. He didn't proclaim himself so powerful he can arrest anyone without a warrant, without even suspicion.  He didn't strip away habeas corpus.  He didn't destroy 10 million e-mail messages. He didn't sit on his duff while millions of Americans lost their homes while he bailed out the crooked people who started it all.

    Frankly, I don't think you have any cause to worry about Obama, so stop shaking in your boots and realize he's going to be the next President...and you'll be just fine.  In fact, you'll be able to stop spreading this false propaganda and enjoy a prosperous America!

  3. Absolutely. Obama will stoop to anything to win. He is using the dirty Chicago politics. No wonder Clinton called him a Chicago thug!!

  4. That is why we are calling him Obamonination.  We are VERY scared.

  5. Lord.... I pray this guy who wrote this question is not one of us..... In Ronald Reagan's name I Pray, Amen.

  6. He learned well from Mayor Daily...its Chicago as usual.  

  7. A grassroots movement is only scary to the already entrenched power, which Obama is going to change.

  8. Liberals are so frustrated that about the state of affairs that there new tactics seem to sideswap freedom of expression. Its a street -style mentality at the grass root level.  I'm not to sure if there anything more to that or not.  

  9. Yes.  And Obama is threatening the media not to show an ad having to do with Bill Ayers.  And the bizarre thing, besides the fact that the media is cowtowing to him, is that they're still promoting Obama and he's trying to silence the media's free speech.  We should be afraid.

    Vote for American babies:  Thanks for posting that link.  What a tangled web.

  10. between now and nov 4  you will see alot of obama camp attempts to

    commit voter fraud

    after Palin was picked  

    they circling the wagons baby

    im sure obama accountants are counting money to see how many people they need to pay off  

  11. Paid by Rezco:

  12. You have described Karl Rove tactics.  McCain himself was a victim of them in the 2000 primaries.

  13. obama should scare a lot of people.

    People don't want to go to the extreme and compare him to people of the past, but I think we need to start thinking and looking towards the past or who knows what will happen in the future if he is elected.

    Yes, a lot of people want change and yes we want America to be this amazing place, but he doesn't have the tract record to prove that he has done anything.  

    Sure voting 90% of the time with Bush looks bad, but either president needs to be willing to work with the other side and be willing to hear what they have to say.  I think McCain is more willing to do that than Obama.

  14. Don't be afraid.  The men in white will be here soon with the nets to take you to a nice padded room.

  15. No link?

    Surprise, surprise...another Republican liar.

  16. No. It is just you. Republicans always claim "fraud registration" ahead of elections because they seek to suppress the votes of Democratic voters. The investigations never turn up anything of substance but they don't care since their faithful bought the rhetoric. Republican registrations are way down, Democratic registrations way up. Obama is not using "dirty tactics". His campaign is simply heading off at the pass those swift boat liar groups, vote suppressors, mis- and disinformation distributors and other anti-democracy folk who seek to manipulate elections. You need to do some homework outside of Fox news and get some facts into your brain instead of buying the fear mongers lines.  

  17. Palin makes me MAD I hate her



  18. Well, you might want to see someone about that. Typically, breathe into a paper bag, and that might calm you down.

    You made a significant error - you brought up some falsifiable things. For example:

    1) Fraud registration of felons. This is simply a lie. Probably referring to an Acorn case but Obama had nothing to do with it. Voting fraud is not a big deal in the US, and represents only a handful of votes in any election I have heard of.

    2) Buying Superdelages? Another lie.

    3) Recruting people to monitor the internet? Another lie. Although that is what McCain does and gives out prizes. But Bush of course takes the place for spying and monitoring people on the Internet.

    4) Obama's dirty tactics - Another lie. Rarely do Democrats do this sort of thing. It is almost always Republicans. For example, the NY Republican party has a cease and desist order for voter caging

    5) By not picking Hilliary...reminds me of the Soviet Union. I just thought this was funny.

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