
Does Obama's victory mean SEXISM is stronger that RACISM?

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I don't think either candidate is better suited to be president. Actually, Hillary has a little more experience... so it really comes down to race and gender. Right?




  1. that seems to be the case

    even in real life..some politically correct libs have accused me of being a racist JUST BECAUSE i wasnt for obama..when i'm a bit of a wigger who has tons of rap cds..and friends of various ethnicities. ...and they dont know any blacks personally...just OF blacks

    if you really think about it though...the racist ones are those that accuse others of being racist soley because the other person does not support a particular politician who is HALF black,...apparently...all they see in obama is his skin color

    who da racist now?

  2. I would say yes. I don't know what is worse, quite frankly it kinda makes me sick to see it being about s*x and race, not who is going to do the better job - though of course they have to pretend that it IS about who is going to do a  better job!

  3. i do think that sexism is still stronger than racism. we screwed up again. Hilary was a better candidate.

    he has more delegates because more people voted for him. i live in the south and i cannot tell you how many times my black friends have said, " i gotta vote for my brother".

    personally, my need to get a Republican out of office trumps my disappointment. i will still vote for Obama. after all, he was my second choice.

  4. It doesn't mean anything about isms. It means Democratic voters had more faith in him than they did in her.

  5. As a black woman, this question means nothing to me, and actually I find it quite annoying.

  6. Not every registered voter believes they're equally unsuited to be president, and not every registered voter is making this critical decision based on race or gender. This question is so dated it could only be posed by someone who hasn't followed either campaign for months. Not to say that issues of race and gender do not play an important part in an electorate, however your initial assertion that theres no empirical difference between the two candidates is asinine.

  7. Actually Mike we have a situation where I agree with you and the sky has not fallen.    

    I do think Hillary's platform is better overall and most people who have reviewed both platforms indepth agree.     (90% of blacks voted for Obama-  and declared they were voting for him because he was black)    

    I still think we really need to wait until the convention to declare a winner.  A lot can happen between now and then.

  8. If history is a pre-indicator... Black men were given the right to vote before women were.

  9. Who chooses a president based upon their skin color or there private parts? People who think that those are important, or that they are the reason one is ahead of the other are sexist and racist themselves. Did you ever consider that Obama seems to be a lot more likable than Hillary, or that he is a better orator?

  10. yep.

    look at our history:

    men of color got the right to vote before women

    men of color got an equal rights amendment and women still don't have one

    what happened to hil shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone

  11. Very much so and  that is very sad as we women have no  self worth in America that is suppose to be so o o equal.

  12. Maybe Obama's victory means more people agreed with him on the issues than agreed with Hillary.  Maybe bigotry has nothing to do with it.  Maybe sexism and racism are excuses.  (BTW, since women are in the majority in the USA, charges of sexism seem out of place.)

  13. From what I have seen people say on here Hillary has done some naughty things and told a few lies, maybe that was more of a factor than gender.

  14. No people just like Obama more than Hillary. Hillary is a very polarizing figure, you either love her or hate her. It would have been different if it was another woman.

  15. why would you vote for someone based on race or s*x? your questions shows that we seriously have a problem with both issues in today's society.

  16. No, means he has more delegates supporting him than Hillary has supporting her.

    Now stop with this ridiculous dichotomy...real life has more than 2 faces.  It does not come down to sexism vs. racisim.

  17. Could it be that voters saw through Hillary's thin veneer and see her insincerity and untruthfulness?

    I mean, people talk about not putting another Bush in the White House, but they are willing to put another Clinton there. I should hope not! Politicians are generally corrupt, but the Clintons make the rest of them look like Boy Scouts. And I hope Obama has the good sense NOT to select her as his VP candidate either.

  18. Obama is not sexist or racist!!

  19. I don't know.

    Did George Bush victory meant that the majority of Americans where a bunch of money hungry lying psychopaths?

    If not, then why will a victory of Obama mean that sexism is stronger than racism?

  20. No, it means a lot of people out there are WAY more stupid than I ever could have realized.

  21. Absolutely...s*x/race isn't the only reason that Obama won, but it definitely played a huge role.  Geraldine Ferraro was correct when she said that Obama wouldn't have gotten this far if he were white.  His race has been an advantage to him.  

    But Clinton's s*x hasn't been an's been a huge disadvantage.  If women had voted for Clinton the way blacks voted for Obama, Obama wouldn't have had a prayer.  Clinton has faced massive amounts of sexism throughout this whole campaign process, whereas Obama has only faced negligible racism.

  22. For those who fight for gender equality such questions should never enter one's mind.  I'm totally against it and never has such a question ever entered my mind once.

  23. I'd like to think that the politics of one was better than the politics of the other.  But with all the hoopla being made about Obama's historic situation, I realize that the US is still not capable of big picture thinking...

  24. woooo nelly... I don't think either one of them would be comfortable holding that crown, in fact Obama has said on several accounts that he doesn't want this to be about race and gender... my opinion is that it wont be if the media and small minded folks would stop fixating on the race or color card... let politics be politics...

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