
Does Obama Have Any Hope of Stopping His Major Dropping in the Polls? He's Lost 9 Points Since Germany?

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Does Obama Have Any Hope of Stopping His Major Dropping in the Polls? He's Lost 9 Points Since Germany?




  1. I do not believe the polls as I don’t believe the corporate driven media. They all are giving false data. For example two different polls on the same state give different numbers with 9 point difference. This tells me that this polls accuracy is +-9.

  2. Obama is in a free fall that he will not recover from. It is his own fault. Had Hilliary been nominated this would be way different.

  3. NO! And it is going to get worst because he did not pick Hillary Clinton as his VP. He is DONE!

  4. Well his idea of Europianizing America and getting rid of our Nuclear defense and cutting military funding is a major error and the people will fight to the end to protect America he will destroy it! McCain 08'

  5.'s actually more than 9 if you look back a few more weeks to present.

    It's pretty simple. Real Americans do not elect radical liberals. It will not happen.

    Obama is his own worst enemy. Implosion is the best word I can think of.

  6. He sure does.

    In real life he went up in the polls yesterday.

  7. He will get a rise in the polls because of the selection of Biden as V.P. and the convention, then they will drop once he does the debates with McCain...McCain will wipe the floor with him...He is terrible without a teleprompter or a scripted speech and here he will have to answer a question...But there will be Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs, Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Uh, Uh, people will see he is an empty suit with no real values and core beliefs.  He does what he is told and in my opinion he is a Manchurian Candidate..(see the movie of 1962) with Frank Sinatra and Lawrence Harvey) and the newer version also...with Denzel Washington.  Obama hasn't got an original thought in his mind and never will...He will be totally controlled.  I hope people will consider his background, his political views and his suspect friends he has surrounded himself with..and vote Republican for a great American John McCain...

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