
Does Obama and his wife give anyone else the creeps?

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With his pasters NO NO NO not God bless America. God d**n America. His wife with the I am just now proud of my country. He don't have any experience at all. Alaska's Governor is an old veteran of public service compared to him. He is so liberal that fruits like Gore look like Rush L. up next to him. Does Obama and his wife give anyone else the creeps.




  1. Yeah. They both are racists that dumb whites are gushing over. Scary.

  2. You made a spelling error.

    No, but Palin the Pandora's Box really does. And Rush L. doesn't count because he is a drug addict and doesn't remember the last twenty years. Sorry...  

  3. No. But if we have a president in diapers that will creep me out.

  4. nope, sry. it's just u

  5. me!

    I think he will be impeached if elected.

  6. No. Barack Obama and his wife are the typical American family. Kind, smart, loving, articulate. Yeah. That's who we are. Color doesn't really matter when we talk about character.

  7. No. However, McCain's worn-out  face does.

  8. Your confused with Palin.

    Secede from the USA - Palin.

    Gods will to wage war in Iraq - Palin

    My goals are more important than family's needs - Palin

    Fire Librarians for not burning books - Palin

    Firing government officials for not firing personal rivals - Palin

    Oh Yeah - She's qualified alright. Qualified for the f***ing nuthouse.  

  9. Have you ever looked at the guy he's running against??

  10. YES!!!!!!!!  More so than you will ever know.....   i'm moving to europe if he wins is all I gotta say!

  11. I agree. Me and my white supremacist friends just can't believe how a black man could be president.

  12. No. But McCain's creepy , fake, corpse-like grimace (what some might call a smile) and his evil looking , ice queen wife sure do. Now they have an almost as creepy, nasally voiced Stepford wife as the VP choice. I'm scared! AAARRRRGGGGHHH!

  13. Nope.

    PS Your grammar and syntax are terrible.  Try reading a book before criticizing someone else.

  14. No, but Cindy is a creeper and the McCains looks like the Adamms Family w/ John being Fester. Cindy looks disinterested and like she's still strung out on prescription pain-killers. The entire Republican National Convention looks like the Bingo National Convention.

  15. No, but your post does. Are you at a klan rally in po-dunk Mississippi?

  16. Simple: YES

  17. not at all but the gun ho attitude of the drone that is little john certainly gives me the creeps..for god sake the man wants to send more troops to their deaths in iraq.

    Boris Johnson for president!

  18. Kerry J beat me to the punch. The blank look on McCain's face as he tries to think of the next way to bamboozle Hilary voters is what creeps me out. Also, Republicans who act like their behind waste does not smell. Very creepy indeed.

    Oh yes, this makes my skin crawl:

  19. nope.

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