
Does Obama calling this guy a "great Mayor" show his TRUE lack in judgement?

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  1. I have yet to see anyone honest, patriotic, and lacking in a felony record come forward in Obama's life. He seems to be comfortable around criminals like Kawame, and Rezko. Hes is right at home with pastor wright and father pfleger who hate this country and all the white people in it. Then he pals around with a home grown terrorist and other antiamerican, antisemitic racists. I have yet to see one person come forward, who is decent and honorable to call Obama friend. Look at the many friends McCain has made who praise him and have a longstanding friendship with him and who support him. Not one has come forward for obama. I think that says all we need to know about obama.

  2. the detroit "mayor" is no different than obamma's other friends, criminals, terrorists etc. obamma is nothing if not consistent!

  3. You mean like McCain saying that President Bush policies were so great that he agreed with 95% of the c**p he was doing?

  4. Obama hugs Fitzpatrick, hugs Rev Wright, hugs Bill Ayers, hugs Tony Rezco,PROVES Obama lack of judgement

    McCain will win in 08  

  5. Well, they're both black of skin.  So, as far as Barack Obama is concerned, it's like going after Nelson Mandela.

  6. How long ago was that? Several years ago right?

    But YOU are atempting to use it as though it was recently stated....oh the hypocrisy the subterfuge

    nice try

    Besides your pals;


    Newt Gingrich

    As well as McBush himself are also ALSO guilty of adultery, so the y'all need to back away from this one.

    the talk is Newt sked his firs wife for  divorce while she was hospitalized.

    McBush dumped his first wife after she had waited 4 him to return. He came back and discovers her to no longer be as attractive so he summarily dumped her (and left his own blood daughter) to chase Cindy around the West.

    He filed for a marriage license b4 he had even received a divorce decree!

    "People who live in glass houses....."

  7. Yes.

  8. Well John McCain picking a ultra conservative, former miss congeniality that hasn't done anything politically except bullying people out of their state job as a running mate makes his TRUE lack of judgement scary!

  9. Wow, if this one is great, what does that make Sarah?

  10. was this a good endorsement for McCain?

  11. so he's NOT a great mayor because he is an adulterer?

    then I guess McCain isn't so great either !!

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