
Does Obama classify typical white people are bitter and clinging to their guns and Bibles?

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Does Obama think it's okay to stereotype black Americans in the same way?

And why was this question deleted?

Don't like the truth about your racist candidate, Obama supporters???????????

Is it to the point now where people can't even say the same EXACT things that Obama has said because you don't want people to KNOW THE TRUTH?

You're disgusting Americans.




  1. Considering that he is now touting "American values" hes pretty laughable.

  2. Obama is for all the people an their rights, white, black brown, yellow an red. So you must be a Rep. because they think that way! Are you a racist?

  3. What's disgusting is we have women and men fighting overseas and we're still not sure what for. Many have gave their lives to support this country, because a President said that this country had "Weapons of Mass Destruction." To beat all, the President and his wealthy Vice make money off this war. Well guess what, that President lied to his people, his soldiers, and his government. And then you have someone who supports the same policies, same war, same everything. And his name, is McCain. That, my friend, is what is disgusting.

  4. Obama is pathetic.

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