
Does Obama have experience in saying "present" on controversial votes?

by Guest10785  |  earlier

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Does Obama have experience in saying "present" on controversial votes?




  1. And that's what he'll do if he's elected.

    He'll leave it up to everyone else to make the decision...he just wants people to look at him as their god and take all the credit for everything (unless something turns out bad, he'll blame someone else)

  2. Sure, when he actually shows up.

  3. That's all he did during the 120 days he was a senator!!

    So the answer is YES, he said present not only on controversial votes but in most of his votes!

  4. dont know

  5. He voted to make KFC a national landmark. That was the last controversial vote he was involved in

  6. I think he can do that at 3 am.  But, I'm not sure it will do America any good.

  7. That tactic is often the smartest move, when there are good arguments on both sides and voting either way can be politically damaging.  But all congressmen have done this and McCain is no exception.

  8. Not nearly as much as McCain does...

  9. I say you need to vote yes or no and let that be your vote.  That present thing is a cowardly way of getting out of it so people won't call you on it later!  I would respect him more if he just said yes or no.

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