
Does Obama opposing the Surge even after it has worked prove he's a complete moron?

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Does Obama opposing the Surge even after it has worked prove he's a complete moron?




  1. No. Obama is just one of the politicians who realizes that this entire "War on Terrorism" is just a sham. The fact that we are supposedly "winning" doesn't justify the fact that we have no business being there.

  2. YES, :P

    Republicans FTW!!!

  3. The surge didn't achieve all it set out to achieve, but it has made Iraq much safer.  One can argue that it did work.  I'm saying this as a person who opposed the invasion of Iraq and wants the US to get out.

      If Obama still says it didn't then it just proves he's your ordinary politician willing to lie to make himself look good.

  4. the surge, lol


    "mission accomplished" again


  5. the surge worked?  Who says it did

  6. THe surge hasn't worked. Iraq isn't safe. Wait till those combat brigades go home. Violence will erupt all over again. The militants are just laying low, biding time.

  7. It proves you're a moron for not looking at the bigger picture. The GWOT is changing its focus to Afghanistan where the DEMS have been saying we need to be. Obama 2008!

  8. I tned to lean to the right on mst issues but I still see your question as totally one sided.

    Most people will form their own opinions and have no interest in blowing sunshine up your skirt to help make you feel superior.

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