
Does Obama read his speeches or are they memorized?

by  |  earlier

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If you look at videos of his speeches on youtube (e.g the one in Berlin), he delivers them so well, hardly any pauses, on time, on message. Surely he must be reading them from a screen cast?




  1. Teleprompter

  2. just look at everybody from the convention, not one could speak for themselves they all had their eyes on the prompter, yelp what i want to elect people who are puppets

  3. He reads them but puts a lot of his Communist manifesto language into them

  4. Memorize...hahaha...that's pretty funny.

  5. He reads them from several teleprompters placed strategically about the room.  

  6. It's his programming. He has a 20 GB ram just for speeches and public appearances. the programmers are trying to make it look spontaneous before the debates.

  7. Both (no sincerity).

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