
Does Obama really have a chance anymore? I live in rural Ohio.?

by Guest32307  |  earlier

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I am an Obama supporter, actually (for those of you who are confused).

And, Ohio tends to be a swing state. In my understanding/research etc., the 'big cities' tend to vote Democrat while the rural areas tend to vote republican (in my state).

This is why my location is important




  1. Well, the one true honest answer is yes, everyone has a "chance".  But I doubt that he has a good chance.  I think with all of his experience has a MUCH better chance of winning Ohio.

  2. OF COURSE!!


  3. Good point ohioan. Lol I dont really want Obama to win, so in my mind he doesnt. look at that debate. =]

  4. No. But, Obama will get all the votes of Blacks,

    g**s, Lisbeans, Illegals, Anti-War folk, Nancy

    Pelosi, Harry Reid,  and all Liberals. That's not enough to elect him.

  5. My family is all from Ohio, I live in Pa.  They are all supporting McCain and Palin for Pres.  None of my friends in ohio are supporting Obama.  People from Ohio are smarter than people give them credit for.  They aren't hillbillies from nowhere, they actually matter.

  6. McCain's choice for VP is a bad move.  I think this boosts Obama's chances of getting elected.

    Let's go OBAMA!!!!!

  7. Obama will win, I am not sure about Ohio

  8. No.  He is going to concede this evening.

  9. I think it got a bit better after the VP choice McCain made.

  10. Uhhh...... YA GO OBAMA!

    You have the internet, go to RealClearPolitics and look at the latest polls.

    Obama +8%

    In Ohio

    It is close, every vote will count in Ohio.

    When you read an article on the Elections category or reading an article online or in the news paper, don't believe every thing you read or hear.

  11. There's smoke in the cockpit!

    This suckers going down!

  12. No Democrat has a chance in Ohio.  You live in the most politically corrupt state in the union.

  13. Read the op ed below and decide. I say no way

  14. And you have a job and retirement savings left after 7 years of Bush?

    Bless you.

  15. I have to say I DONT KNOW, Twice. Not sure where you live, I guess it could be Ohio. And I dont know if Obama will win

  16. Rural Ohio = under a rock.

    Obama is the next pres......

  17. HE has a even more chance i think.... Mccain made a BBAAAAAAAD move

  18. What does your residency have to do with Obama's chances of winning I wonder? Anyway, I believe he will win.

  19. The bonehead answers you're getting from his supporters prove why Ohio won't be in Obama's column

  20. Absolutely. He has 67 days to prove it.  

  21. You live in rural Ohio. No wonder you don't know.

  22. Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same."

  23. After McCain's lemon pick for VP he is now just about GARAUNTEED to win.

  24. Honey, relax!  Go to the library and get on the internet and check out some of the stuff that's coming out about her.  I don't want to say Obama's got it in the bag because it will be close, but this choice didn't help McCain and may have hurt him.  Ohio will be a battleground state, so do what you can in your community to get the word will make a difference!

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