
Does Obama really run his own campaign?

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Since he says that's more experience than a Governor.

Has written his own speeches?

Has he booked his own plane flights?

Has he changed the toilet paper when it runs out at a stop?

Has he booked the limo's to pick him up?

Has pumped his own gas?

Has he done anything?

If you have proof of any thing other than show up and read a TelePrompterter please supply the links.




  1. When Obama made the 57 state remark this is what he actually said.  We've been to 57 states with one more to go.  That made it 58.  Then he added that his campaign couldn't justify sending him to Alaska and Hawaii.  That made it 60.  If his campaign can't justify sending him he isn't running it.

  2. No. He does nothing himself.  Remember when he was talking about his "experience" managing all of his numerous campaign workers?  Well he has them b/c he can't wipe himself without running it by one of his advisers or having a speech writer come up with an eloquent euphemism for wiping his ***.

  3. No...think of it this way....

    Like a company....Obama is only a "brand" of the company, he has 2500 people below him that "run the company".

    I heard he has over 300 advisors, there is a CEO of his campaign.  He's just on top of the pyramid, with all of the people underneath pulling the strings.  He doesn't even write his own speeches, etc.  That is why when he is being asked questions one on one...he says "uhh.uhhh.uhhh." while he thinks of an answer.

    He is very coached...and is only a puppet for the people behind the scenes that are really running the show.  What should be the BIG question is who are these people and what are their true intentions with this presidency?

    Do a search for "obama advisors" and see the names that comes up...he has foreign policy advisors, financial advisors, economic advisors, etc."  

    He does nothing except stand up on the pedastal.  I am an undecided voter, and NOT a McCain supporter.....I will make my decision AFTER debates.

  4. What leader does menial tasks?

    Apply these questions to all the candidates:

    Has written his own speeches?

    Has he booked his own plane flights?

    Has he changed the toilet paper when it runs out at a stop?

    Has he booked the limos (a plural does not need an apostrophe) to pick him up?

    Has pumped his own gas?

  5. NO! And he admitted to it:

    “I ask my staff never to hand me paper until two seconds before I need it, because I will lose it,” he said, drawing laughter from the audience. “I've got to have somebody around me who is keeping track of that stuff. And that's not trivial; I need to have good people in place who can make sure that systems run. That's what I've always done, and that's why we run not only a good campaign but a good U.S. Senate office.”

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