
Does Obama remind you of?

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A. The humble, loving Christian Black man named Martin Luther King Jr


B. The violent, hateful, Muslim Black Man named Malcolm X




  1. the X factor

  2. A snake oil salesman.

  3. C. Karl Marx

  4. B - in sheep's clothing (BTW - you are who you hang out with - Obama)

  5. He is Malcom in Martin's clothing. He scares the h**l out of me. He is not the kind of guy who if he gets elected will ever willingly give up power. I see him as the man who tries to start a revolution to keep power. He wants it too bad, he is a power hungry snake. I just have a crazy feeling that he is going to send this country into chaos. I mean, say in eight years he refuses to give up power, he will have all the minority's behind him. I really feel like this is going to lead to mass violence, rebellion and civil war. Everybody see's this is in him, he has evil in his eyes. Wake up sheep.

  6. Malcolm X with a little Bin Laden mixed in!

  7. C. The well-educated, passionate black man named Barack Obama, who will most likely be the next President of the United States of America.

  8. i wont compare him to king but, he is closer to him

  9. The jury is still out on that one after watching him kiss Biden's wife.

  10. Neither, just an inexperienced person who does not deserve to be President.

  11. He reminds me of an ACORN community organizer.

  12. Neither, he is his own man.

  13. Both are good options. I don't think you finished reading Malcolm X's autobiography.

  14. Obama reminds me Of a President  

  15. neither, he has his own style

  16. actually I was think Chimpanzee.

  17. neither....He is Just Obama The Great!

  18. Truthfully, I liked him very much at the beginning of this (just his gentlemanly manner, not his politics) but he really is beginning to lose it.  He is turning into an angry man.

    I try not to hold it agqainst him, though.  Politics is ugly and it is probably just getting to him.  McCain seems to be thriving under pressure.  I think that speaks volumes as to who can handle the job.

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