
Does Obama speak "street"?

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I always hear him acting White so I don't know how the Blacks can be impressed with this guy when he isn't even like them.

Barack even went to Harvard!!! Harvard being a White school would turn off most Blacks.




  1. So ethnic identity is a lesser force that the school you graduated from?

    And education equals not black?  Wow.

    I would be ashamed to ask such a question.  

  2. Acting white?  Sweetie, he is a Harvard grad.  He is intelligent.  You're an idiot.  I was actually going to try to be logical with you but I changed my mind. I figured based on the question you posed, why should I even bother.

    Are you really a blonde? LOL

    He isn't acting white, Dear. Intelligence transcends race and gender.

    For teh record I don't hate LDS I just know you guys are taught blacks are evil and come from sin. That leads to why BYU Girl would post sucha ridiculous question.

  3. That's ignorant of you. Assuming that all blacks are uneducated.

  4. wow I've read a few of your questions and i think your hinting on racist remarks. there are NO white schools and black schools anymore there are only SCHOOLS for EVERY person. if you go to a European country you will find dialects will change from one region to another. it is the same with the US.

    I have no hate for your faith in god, but i do think you need to know people before you badmouth them so much. why do you hate so much? why do you put down people so much because their skin is different? I hope one day you will find love from all people and not just white people like yourself. because we are all pink inside and we all bleed the same color. you are not better than I am because your white so please don't ever think you are. Obama is intelligent end of story. you should not be surprised many black individuals are. if your faith has taught you to believe that black people are lower than yourself you are going to get a kick in the face from life when you leave the safety of your church. I do really feel sorry for you. it is going to be a very hard change when you realize how confused your ideas really are. good luck to you i hope one day you will find peace with ALL people.

  5. actually, he is a well educated individual.  but, i think you are correct that many blacks, if not most, will vote for him based on skin color.

    for the poster that mentioned Harvard graduate = intelligent.. remember that next time you put down our current president's intelligence.

  6. I think she means that since Black people have nothing in common with Obama because he went to a historically European American school they would not want to vote for him.

    Lots of people what to know the answer to you question BYU girl but we may never know the answer.

    EDIT: For "Choosing Life": Don't hate us because we are LDS! LDS is a church. America is still a free country!!!

    God Bless:)

  7. what??? this doesn't make any sense

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