
Does Obamas pro abortion stance and pro late term abortion stance hurt him or help him?

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Does Obamas pro abortion stance and pro late term abortion stance hurt him or help him?




  1. Why can't all these so called pro-life liars mind their own business.

    This hype about abortion etc will only pull wool on the face of the stupid and uneducated.

    One man's choice of abortion or not is never my business. I am more concerned about high gas price that Bush caused by bombing Iraq while BUSH family's oil businessese were making record profits.

    How can you be prolife and at the same time pro bombing of innocent Iraqis etc?

    How can you be prolife and at the same time proguns/killing?

    This prolife liars are mostly just a bunch of deceptive weaked human beings using christiam issues to cover up their racism, greed and ignorance.

    Sara Palin is so uneducated she had a 5th baby at age 44 yrs?

    Does she know any thing about - Abstinience; oral, depot, transdermal, morning after, condom contraception etc?

    I would not like you to bring me unto this world purposly deformed and start showering your so called love on me while i suffer the pain of living deformed with all sorts of health conditions.. That is pain from your stupidity and selfishness.

    Shame on this GOP that has brought us stupid Iraq war, recession, high gas price and still want us to vote for them.

    Obama will be Obama wether you vote for him or not.

    He is there not for abortion issues alone but for more seriuos issues and mostly to HELP THE NEEDY AND ALL AMERICANS.

  2. Pro abortion - help

    Pro late term - hurt

  3. his pro-CHOICE stance helps him.  The second doesn't.

  4. Not with Democrats

    You see, abortion is necessary to guarantee genital freedom and eliminate moral consequence. The basis of their psychology is the elimination of moral responsibility. For example: other diseases kill millions more, but liberals are obsessed with Aids because it is a moral consequence of promiscuity. Liberals are not obsessed with s*x, but with promiscuity. Promiscuity is the dominate theme of the liberal media culture.

    Funny thing is Hillary Clinton supports the right of thirteen-year-old girls to have abortions without parental consent, yet she forbade thirteen-year-old Chelsea to pierce her ears and enrolled her in a school that would not distribute condoms to minors.

    Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

  5. Obama's more pro-prevention than pro-abortion...get your facts from better sources rather than believing the spin-doctors.

  6. The first helps him. More people are pro-choice than pro-life. However, late term abortion (If he really believes this) would definitely hurt him. Most Americans do not believe in legalizing abortion beyond the second trimester. In fact, I would call it criminal. I'm generally pro-choice, though.

  7. This is not good. You are not supposed to ask serious questions. Personally I don't think it will hurt him. Most people are not even paying attention to what is going on anymore and they are just being blindly led by both McCain and Obama.

  8. Obama, like most democrats does not have a PRO ABORTION stance.


  9. it helps him because Palin  is anti row vs wade, g*y marriage, stem cell research, the environment ( wants to drill for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), abortion and she wishes everyone follow in her religious beliefs. she also has the least political experience of any candidate ever. so why would and Hillary or the undesided vote for McCain now?

  10. Seriously, WTF does it matter, will YOU take in all the little crack, meth, and alcohol syndrome babies if  they were born? WOULD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. It has finished him, the Evangelists are so powerful, right or wrong, you can not win America without the Evangelists, they are more powerful then the Mafia.

    They took one look at Sarah and $$ millions as of yesterday have flowed into the McCain camp, and some very serious endorsements!

    John is so totally clever, he knew what he had to  to win America!

    And this is while Sarah has not yet been named VP!

    And Obama wants Babies, that are almost full term, but survied an abortion die a gruesome death!

  12. It doesn't hurt him with extremists. For most people, late term abortion is just abhorent. Im pro life, but I have decided compromises have to be made for certain things. They should be very few and far between. Rape, incest and danger to the mothers life should be the only exceptions. Those should be confirmed by more than one source. I dont like the idea of killing an innocent baby for any reason, but im not comfortable telling a woman she has to die or continue to be reminded of the other traumas either. Abortion because you messed up should not be done.

  13. It all depends who you ask. the issue with abortion rights in this county is that it is the fringe loonies on both ends of the issue who get all the press.

    On the left you have people who argue that infanticide should be legal if the mother doesn't want the baby as long as we respect her right to choose. They will definitely vote for Obama

    On the right we have abortion even if you are raped by your cousin/ uncle/daddy and are going to give birth to a brainless [Anencephaly] 8 limbed offspring that the baby deserves life. They will never vote for Obama or any pro choice candidate

    The non fringe  will take each individual merits. While most women who want/ need an abortion will not wait until the 9th month of pregnancy there may be a very small number who for what ever reason  might need to take that option.

    However the fringe element is never going to let intelligent discourse on the subject exist.

    Basically its a draw

  14. I have always voted democrat but the issue of abortion especially this late i pregnancy has always bothered me. I am having a hard time voting for him because of this issue. I wonder if other are to.  

  15. This is one black & white issue (pardon the pun) It's plays well to the pro-choice & hurst him with pro-life.

    But I saw a poll that says only 3% of women consider abortion a major issue. I agree. The media make more out of it than itt is.

  16. Abortion is the meat and potatoes of Democrats as much as Pro-life is for Republicans, so it won't hurt him

  17. it's not a issue . OBAMA/BIDEN  2008

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