
Does Ottawa deserve another CFL franchise?

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Does Ottawa deserve another CFL franchise?




  1. No...

  2. Nope, they had their chance and are not willing to support a team unless it wins right away..these are not realistic expectations..they ( we ) had our chances..

  3. Yes, Ottawa fans supported the Rough Riders/Renegades as best as the could despite how they were treated by the league and ownership.  Do people really believe Edmonton or Sask. would still have great attendance if they were subjected to the Glieberman's not only once but TWICE?  

    As for Halifax, the city does not have the population to support a team.  They would be a novelty for a while and attract fans from the broader region outside of Halifax, but the novelty would wear off after a couple of seasons.

  4. Yes.

    The fans always turned out when a quality product was on the field.

    Actually fans showed up through years of a crappy product as well.

    What they need is an ownership group that isn't a circus act. Gong shows like the Lieberman's (twice) and Horn Chen made the once proud, and rich in tradition, Ottawa Rough Riders the joke of the league.

    Establish an ownership group of respectable, community minded, businessmen and the fans will support them.

  5. Sure. Why not. Only this time why not make then a gift of this year's winning team. That should give Them something to get excited about.

  6. i agree with the one that said halifax should get one first

    Ottawa's failed twice now, and the league shouldn't rush into giving them another team unless they show vast improvement

  7. No.... I think that Halifax should get a team before Ottawa gets another team.... At lest there will be fan support in Halifax not like Ottawa were they lost their team twice to no fan support...

  8. There aren't enough true fans in Ottawa.  Witness the fact the Glibermans were the ONLY people willing to put some money into the last team, and people deserted the ship even before a single contract was signed.  If the team had won their first 14 games in a row by an average margin of 20 points people still wouldn't have gone.  They were willing to let the team collapse and go away over personal feelings.  They just had to be fans of the game, not the Glieberguys, and they blew it, again.

  9. Yes. The people of Ottawa havent been taken care of properly by the League and owners of their teams. It is easy to blame the fans, but really they are the victim of poor ownership. The CFL needs to find a great owner(ship group), in order for a team to be able to do well in that market.

  10. Ottawa's problems...both with the Rough Riders and, more recently, the Renegades...stemmed from poor ownership groups.

    The situations across the league have proven that quality ownership leads to fans wanting to support a stable product.  Just look at the Lions turn around in Vancouver, the Argos in Toronto and even the lowly Ti-cats in Hamilton.

    Two problems that would face a potential new Ottawa franchise would be:  1)  Who would own them?  2)  Who would the tenth franchise be?

    The second question is a worry to me as I hate that unbalanced schedule they end up playing with nine teams.

  11. u know what they need before a new franchise. they need a lot of money to buy a good franchise not a crappy one like the one we had lol renagades

  12. Actually, they do have a CFL franchise! It's just that it is currently listed as "inactive", because the team went bankrupt and their owners couldn't keep the team for the season. The Renegades are expected to continue play in 2008 or 2009. But one thing's for sure - they won't get Kerry Joseph back! He stays in Regina!

  13. sure, the NFL goes back to certain cities..

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