
Does Palin's lack of service to her country cause concern?

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Republicans have always made a big deal out of military service being a prerequisite for the Oval Office. Look at war hero's like Reagan, Cheney, Dan Quayle and, of course, Rambo George W. Bush.

Mrs Palin hunts, but she never served her country like these brave men did in Vietnam and, in the case of Reagan, on Hollywood war scene movie sets.

Can we really trust someone who evaded her duty to her country? I can't imagine any self-respecting Republican voting for a chick hawk can you?




  1. Try again with another liberal rumor, Obama has never served anyone but himself, and the racist hate filled anti american church of the so called Rev. Wright with his Black Liberation Theologists

    Gov Palin is  the head of Alaska's National Guard and as the mother of a soldier herself, Governor Palin understands what it takes to lead our nation and she understands the importance of supporting our troops.

  2. Let that lady serve herself and her five children first.

    Does that lady know anything about contraception and harm prevention?

    She has caused harm by purposefully bringing to this world a deformed baby with pains for life.

    Do no harm also means preventing harm from happening.

    Governor they call her? She lacks commonsense.

  3. Yes she does lack service to her country cause concern.

  4. She was too young to serve in Vietnam and even if she was old enough she would have been exempt from the draft due to her s*x.  Obama was also too young to serve in Vietnam as well.  While military service is good for your resume when running for office, it shouldn't be the breaking point.

    By the way, what does a Hollywood set have to do with fighting in a war?

  5. What's the matter, do you not have enough money being deducted from your paycheck.  Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and rallying support for Obama.  The Government knows how to spend your money better than you do, just ask your candidate.  

  6. Sarah Palin's oldest son is in the military. Unlike Barak Barry O'bama who hates the USA and its armed forces, Palin is a patriotic American who supports the troops.

    I want to add that i feel Honey is a sick twisted creature. Palin's youngest son Trig has Down's syndrome. It was wrong for her to love him and give him a chance in life?? No her choice to value his life and love her son even though he was not "perfect" shows what an awesome woman she trully is

  7. Thanks for the 2 pts.  

  8. The same thing that can say for Obama. So what's your point?  

  9. OH, no, she served her country...

    by posing for the cover of Vogue magazine and acting as runner up to Miss Alaska in the 80's. but obama is a celebrity...

    uh, no.

  10. The election for President is McCain against "no service Obama". As Governor, Palin was commander of the National Guard.

  11. How has she "evaded" serviced to her country? She has a son who is about to be deployed. Heck, even with that it seems more than Obama has contributed. She's our potential VP, unlike Obama who is going for the top spot.

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