
Does Palin Really not know What a VP does?

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Again this is the judgment of McCain and the party are putting their hopes and future on a VP who stated that she doesn' t know what a president does?

According to the US Constitution: the Vice president has two responsibilities to make the deciding vote in the event of a tie in Senate, as the role as President of the Senate. Second to fill in or replace the President if the President is unable to fulfill his duties.

Please explain how a person who was a mayor, a state Governor and Commander and Chief of her National Guard, doesn't know the basics of the US Constitution branches of government?




  1. NOPE - she even said she didn't......

  2. She SAYS she doesn't know but I'll bet they tell her pretty soon.  I hope it is before she debates Joe Biden on foreign affairs.  That is going to be a fun evening!

  3. You have at actually read/present her entire quote to answer your question.  In July 2008 she said

    "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day? I'm used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we're trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the U.S., before I can even start addressing that question."

    When you read the entire quote in context, she is not asking what responsibility or technical authority the VP has, but what the day-to-day duties are.

    She is a dedicated, hard-working, roll up her shirt sleeves and get to it Governor.  She made a commitment to the Citizens of Alaska.

    Her rhetorical response said in essence, if I can't help people daily, if the day-to-day job isn't going to be full filling, then I'd be better of staying in Alaska and being Governor.

    The Democratic Party and their national media partners took 5 words out of context and made it a bullet point lie.  

  4. Well jeez it took me anout the 30 seconds to read your post to know what a VP does, not a very hard job

  5. From her own words, no she does not.

  6. When Mccain goes to war with Russia and Iran, more US Soldiers will die.

    Dont come back crying to Obama then.

  7. Executive Experience...Executive Experience...Executive Experience...Executive Experience... Am I doing it right?

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