
Does Palin advocate teaching creationism in schools?

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Does anyone have any more information than this quote from an article from an Anchorage newspaper when she was running for governor?

"A significant part of Palin’s base of support lies among social and Christian conservatives. Her positions on social issues emerged slowly during the campaign: on abortion (should be banned for anything other than saving the life of the mother), stem cell research (opposed), physician-assisted suicide (opposed), creationism (should be discussed in schools), state health benefits for same-s*x partners (opposed, and supports a constitutional amendment to bar them)."




  1. Like most conservatives, Palin appears to not know the difference between science and religion.  Which is scary enough in any, supposedly intelligent, adult.  However, in the case of political leaders who use religion in place of good science, it is just plain retarded to vote for them.

    Palin supported the bridge to  now where...

    She does not believe that polar bears will suffer as a result of global warming...

    She wants to drill in ANWAR, not for economic reasons, but for political advantage, she is supported by big oil

    She wants to stop a woman's right to choose


    She is homophobicic Christian

    Stop this right wing madness, give equal rights to all, we have already had to suffer eight years of the Dumbya agenda and we deserve better


  2. Palin supports teaching both, yes.

    She does not favor forcing schools to teach Creationism, though.

  3. She said that it made sense to offer both views.

  4. Yes, it's also on her biography at Wilipedia.

  5. I hope so ! Its about time common sense was used in education !

  6. If creationism (belief without evidence) is taught in schools were in a heck of allot of trouble. Also, Creationism hasn't even been able to stump the evidence of evolution for over 150 years. Freedom of religion also means freedom from it so religion can't be taught in schools, that should be left to the church.

  7. YES!

    Interestingly,  when Kansas tried to do that, foreign governments refused to do any trade with them because they said Kansas didn't educate their people. When Kansas got hit in the pocketbook, they mysteriously changed their stance.


  8. For god sake.. Palin is insignificant pawn in political game. Who cares what she thinks..

  9. Children have the right to choose which theory they want to believe in.  To answer your question, yes.  She does advocate the teaching of creationism.

  10. Yes, I believe she does. Many people agree with this view as well. You know, before the hippies took over the planet in the 60s creationism was taught in schools and we somehow survived as a country for the first 200 years.

  11. Any quote I can find goes back to original articles from the 2006 Alaska Governor's race, as reported by the Anchorage newspaper.  She said at the time she favors teaching creationism along side evolution in schools.  I don't know how she feels about teaching the Big Bang theory, heliocentrism, or the periodic table.  I guess we'll find out.

  12. Yes, she does. That's why I can't understand how moderates would support this choice. She's scary fanatical.

    Our science education is already lacking. If it was up to people like her we would be teaching students that the planet is 6000 years old and created as is in 7 days. As a scientist, I find her completely unacceptable and very, very scary.

  13. I hope so. There is no Constitutional prohibition to teaching creation in government schools. The first text books used were the Bible. The schools teach evolution as fact instead of theory. I guess in the last 35 years they found the missing proof, but did not disclose it.

  14. Well Palin Vetoed a bill that would have denied benifits for same s*x state employees. So even if she's against it she still allowed it. As far as the other issues. I see nothing wrong with her stances there. There's nothing wrong with allowing creationism to be studdied as one of the possible ways that everything came about. What would be wrong is if that were the only way that was taught in school. To not teach it at all as a possibility teaches that no one should believe in that. Which is wrong. People have the right to believe that if they want to. Her stand on abortion is perfect. As for stem cell research, i'm sure she's only against embrionic stem cell research. She's probably for adult stem cells or skin cell research.  

  15. Yes.  She apparently thinks it should be taught along side Darwin's theory of evolution.  

  16. I live in Alaska.  Since Governor Palin came into office, there have been no changes in the teaching curriculum in any of the schools here.  Teachers teach.  Governors govern.  There's a line between the two and Governor Palin knows that she should leave teaching to the teachers and leading the state to the officials.

    Learn and know your candidates  Figure out which is right for you.  Vote your conscience.

    Don't follow propaganda.  Pay attention  to the issues and make your best decision based on what you believe.

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