
Does Palin exemplify the values you feel are necessary in a leader?

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What do you make of her family values if her kids are getting laid left/right? Doesn't the right wing always make a big deal about s*x?




  1. No

  2. Did not know nor do I care about her kids s*x lives. I do think that since her latest child is a Down Syndrome baby she should be home and caring for him. She went back to work as a Gov. when he was only 4 days old, which ought to give folks a clue about how ambitious she is. After all, her little one is a special needs child, and he needs extra attention especially from his mom. If Karl Rove or McCain think that women who go for Hillary will automatically switch to McCain due to Palin, they have another think coming. Except for ultra conservative, evangelical women who vote the way their "hubbies" tell them to, no one in their right mind is going to vote her in.Also, I understand that she originally WAS for the Alaskan "bridge to nowhere", and thanks to her position as Gov. has made a lot of trouble for a former relative by marriage- and others. She is currently being investigated for this. I hope she and MCCain don't have the chance of a snowball in h**l, but many were surprised about Bush getting re-elected, so time will tell. That said, I'm sure the Catholics, LDS, Baptists, etc are all behind her.

  3. Yes, she does. What do her kids who make their own decisions have to do with their mothers values? All a parent can do is teach their children right from wrong. Its the child's decision on how to behave.

  4. Hillary wanted to fight corruption too, and even she got bought by big pharma. A republican in this government (which won't be changing with McCain) doesn't stand a chance.

    Anyway I'd let her lead a small company sure, but not my country. She needs to spend time with her giant family.

  5. Actually I like her because she has proven to fight fraud and corruption in her own party affiliation.  That for me is a major PLUS, as most of Washington these days fall under that category.

  6. HAHA!  While he's been rooting out corruption, her daughter has just been out rooting.  Amazingly dumb choice by McCain.  Get ready for President Obama.  Even the religious loonanites won't be able to save the Republicans this time.

  7. I'm all in and so are quite a few people I have talked to the last few days. I'm tired about politicians talking about change and plan to vote for the two who have lived and walked it.

    McCain/Palin 2008

  8. NO. She does not exemplify leadership ability.   She behaves like a typical entitled politico.  The rules/laws do not apply to her because she can extricate herself from any legal entanglement because she has enough cash flow and comrades to assist her.

  9. Yes.

  10. You need to grow up a bit, are you married?  If not you still should be a virgin.  What do you want, Palin to hide under the sheets to monitor her childrens actions?

  11. Why are you bringing up family... even Obama has said, "Leave family out of it."  By Gov. Palin's response, I get every impression that the Palins have done the best they could in teaching their children responsibility through accountability and consequence.  Gov. Palin said, "Yes, my daughter is pregnant.  We wouldn't have wished for it, but it was her choice, and as a result, she'll be growing up real fast now."

    As an independent, there are ideologies that I like/dislike about both major parties... the thing that bugs me about the dems is their inability to accept consequence for their actions.  The dems would've said, "poor thing... she shouldn't have to deal with a child when she's barely a child herself... just abort the thing so you can get on with your life.  In fact, in the dem camp, the whole thing could've been swept under the rug with a 'simple' abortion.

  12. How do you know her kids are getting laid left and right?  More pin-headed liberal suppositions, exaggerations, and lies.

    Did you care when your President Clinton was laying interns young enough to be his daughter left and right and then outright lying about it to the American people?  No, you re-elected him.  So cut the double-standard c**p, you liberal buffoon.

    I applaud Governor Palin's commitment to life.  She chose to have her youngest son, knowing he had Downs Syndrome.  No doubt she passed on those values to her daughter.  I would guess she chooses to have her child instead of aborting it, which is how the typical liberal politician's child would have hidden the whole event.

    Does Palin exemplify the values I feel are necessary in a leader?  YOU BET SHE DOES!!!

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