
Does Palin expose the empty suit that is Obama?

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she has executive experience

she was on a PTA

she was a mayor

and she is the Gov of the largest state in the union

and she is the BOTTOM THE TICKET

its a good thing obama chose someone not from washington for his great CHANGE campaign.................NOT




  1. Governor of the largest state in the union... occupied primarily by moose.  Come on.  Alaska has like zero agriculture, zero urban areas, the largest city is the size of Corpus Christi.  

    And is being on the PTA really what qualifies her to be one heartbeat away from the presidency?  Really?  Really!?  

  2. Her experience is all Mickey Mouse (beauty pageant, city council, etc.). You had never even heard of her before today, and now she has your full support. Remarkable.

  3. No, she exposes the empty skull that is john mccain.

  4. as a nation i think we can all say that we need a change and thats exactly want pallin brings to the table.

    i think shes a great choice as vp.

  5. Oh please. It's disgustingly obvious that McCain is trying to be "cool" and have a "historical" ticket to counterbalance Obama's "historical" campaign.

    But fear not GOP-lovers, I'm pretty sure that McCain will win. I am an Obama supporter and I am quite surprised at the venom that has come from the Clinton side. My mom and my friends were pro-Clinton and now that their candidate has lost they are extremely angry and are voting McCain as a "revenge vote." Since this seems so prevalent among friends/family I'm gonna take that as a "poll." Obama will lose the Clinton voters though he gains moderate Reps and he'll lose.

    Wow if Clinton had won, I'd still have voted for her (though ideally I wouldn't choose either party... I've had enough of American politics... I'm close to supporting anarchy at this point).


  7. The best thing about Palin...she is not a Washington insider, Ivory league educated life long politician.

    Sounds like the real change comes from her.

    (Note:  I said Ivory league because it is basically white except for an occasional token minority)

  8. She was mayor of a town that has 8,000 people,  The PTA, PLease.  Millions of people have executive experience. doesn't mean they are qualified to be VP.

    Governor of the second least populated state of the country.  Zero national experence

    She is very responsible.  leaving her 4 month old child to be VP.  Great judgement!!!!!!!!!  NOT

  9. Exposed, gutted, and left in the sun to dry..

    The GOP base is energized again.

    The convention will rock now.. Good choice Johnny boy.. maybe he isnt so senile after all!

  10. I had abhorred the concept of a female on the ticket.

    Now I can eat crow.

    His choice is great.  In fact, she has more experience at decision making than either of the two Dems.

    ...and to show what Dems think of women, today is the anniversary for women's sufferage.  So the top two Dems went to Pennsylvania and opened their campaign in a town called Beaver!


    My party is shooting itself in the foot.  The  Reps look like the winners this time.

  11. Dude, McCain picked someone from Alaska...  Someone who is more pro-ANWAR drilling than he himself is (he is against it, and on the record as such)

    Most of us can see this pick for what it is...pandering.

  12. Yes it certainly does.  The outcry of the liberals tells it all!  

  13. LOL!  The Dems are now the party of good old boys.

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