
Does Palin having a 17 year old pregnant daughter affect the way you view her as VP?

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Or that she has a son on his way to Iraq?

Or that she has a newborn with Down's Syndrome?

Do any of these things make her more or less appealing?




  1. Those things have NOTHING to do with what she will bring to the table as VP. I enjoyed what she had to say during her speech. Even though I was very concerned that she is a woman.

  2. There are more important issues.

    Palin denies the existence of global warming.

    Some people deny that the global warming is caused by humans. I don't agree with them.

    However, Palin is NOT one of those. She denies the existence of global warming completely. Even Bush doesn't deny the existence of global warming. Palin's views on global warming are simply not acceptable. Not in 2008.

    The fact that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant shows that this girl didn't have sexual education. It shows that she failed as a mother but for me other issues are much more important.

  3. I'm not voting for McCain/Palin regardless but there's really no reason to use her daughter's pregnancy as an issue. Unless Palin was some sort of over the top nutbag who preached abstinence with an iron fist.

    Then I would have issues. But she had better not preach to anyone about "Just say no." concerning unwanted pregnancies.

  4. Palin thinks raising 5 kids is a part time job.  We're just starting to see the results..

  5. No, does the fact that Cher's daughter is g*y make her less of an entertainer?? does the fact that Brandos son was so screwed up make Marlon any less a fine actor?? How about Cheny's daughter???  $%#& happens... Get over it. If one of my kids robbed a bank my husband would still be as good at his job as he is now.

  6. More appealing, b/c she managed a complete turnaround in Alaska, balanced a budget, maintained a 80% approval rating, all while dealing with family troubles!!

    What a great woman!

  7. It actually reinforces my support for her.  She's probably going  to be the only person in higher politics who actually does what we do daily.

    There are many women in Corporate America who have children, worry about being a mom, buys their own groceries, etc.

    And she still has the balls to take on the good ole boys who have been running Washington into the ground for generations!

  8. Actually none; if she'd advised her daughter to abort the baby I'd be inclined to call her a hypocrit, but she is saying the father and her daughter will soon marry and raise the child with her support.  I think thats consistent with her family values.  No one wants their child of 17 to get pregnant, but it happens.  How the familiy deals with it is interesting; why its such a big political issue is saddening.  The idea people might choose an elected leader over such a thing is appalling...I mean Obama was born of a 17 year old mother I believe.  So what.

  9. the reason i say no to mccain and palin is because they are republican candidates and i do not believe in the republican way. her family or his has not changed my thoughts one way or another or the fact that she is a woman does not have me wetting myself in joy so i can vote for her.

  10. Nope. They just make her more human. Which I like.

  11. No I vote issues.

    Right now the issue I'm most concerned about is a potential recession, one that Obama will certainly cause if he gets in the White House.

    I wish he would sit down with a stack of economics books and learn.  He could be such an appealing candidate otherwise.

  12. Well ive seen some really great parents have kids who do dumb things.

    The son to Iraq, well I remember Michael Moore criticizing politicians for saying it was ok to send other peoples kids to Iraq but not their own.  Not the case with the Palins.

    Whether your a politican or just an everyday person, a child with down's syndrome is a challenging situation.  Imagine it was you.

    ultimately you should vote for people on issues but character does play a factor.

  13. This is what happens with abstinence only education or being against contraception.

  14. She has a lot going on. I know one thing. I definitely, absolutely, and unequivocally would not want her running the entire country. I think my Mom could do a better job.

  15. It shows that something has to give....she has too much on her plate and isn't handling all of her responsibilities. I can't imagine McCain dying and her in charge. Either the Ameircan people would have to suffer or her family would...and neither is a good choice.

  16. No just makes the Palins a normal family

  17. Nope. Actually they make her a little more appealing. It shows she's not out of touch with the rest of us. She goes through the same problems.

  18. Its not our business that the daughter is pregnant but it is our business that the mother (the VP pick) lied about it and tried to cover it up. It shows that she is poor at being a mother. And considering that she doesn't have much experience as a politician either, that's just a sad situation.

    But show me a politician that is clean today?

    Politicians are only a reflection of society at large and no democrat can can argue they are a better person morally than a republican. I don't think republicans are better morally either. They are just better at hiding their mistakes. Again, this is just a reflection of society today and the problems we face together.

    Support change. Vote Obama and Bidden!!

  19. She can't control her daughter. I doubt she ever heard of birth control either. So how is she supposed to run a country if she can't run her own family?'

    Marvin the Martian. Are you that stupid? Or are you just a 13 year old kid who agrees with everything his dad says? We're already in recession. And Obama certainly didn't cause it. Bush was the president for the last 8 years.

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