
Does Palin help or hurt McCain?

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Does Palin help or hurt's hard for me to get a read on it....




  1. Anybody that didn't wholly expect McCain to choose a female or minority running mate has no understanding of politics.

  2. Let's put it this way...

    I thought McCain was stupid before he picked her.

    Now I know he is.

    WORST possible choice.

    She has ties to Big Oil, and is under investigation.

    She hates g**s, and women.

    But she sure loves Jesus and her guns.

  3. She gives it to him however he wants it.

  4. She's super conservative...but she also lacks experience and is being investigated and possibly to be indicted for firing someone to get back at her former brother in law......

  5. Sara Palin will carry McCain to victory !  The more you learn about this fine woman the more you will realize what a strong addition she is to the McCain ticket.

    This woman is charismatic, she's beautiful, she's a mom, she has ethics, she will be an immediate hero to women, she's pro life, she's a proven politician who has actually governed, she is non-corruptable.  And, finally she is popular and will draw votes equally from men as well as women !  

  6. Considering most people have never heard of her it remains to be seen. I think he picked Palin because she is a woman and he's looking to scrape up as many Hillary votes as possible.

  7. It may seem to help him initially, but as time goes by, and the truth is out about her being investigated, being a pro-life fanatic, and having very close ties to Big Oil, it will start hurting him. Plus, if she is indicted, McCain is totally screwed.

    I'm surprised she was picked at all, since the review process of nominees is very strict. Why did they choose someone under investigation?! What were they thinking!?

  8. She's inspiring! It was a homerun!

  9. She accomplishes a lot of things for him.

    She firms up the conservative base.

    Gives him a nice appeal to a younger & female demographic.

    And she's a lot easier on the eyes than everybody else running.. which actually does have some impact.

    What she doesn't do is "bring a state with her" like somebody like Ridge or Pawlenty may have been able to do.

    She does do more for McCain than Biden does for Obama though.

  10. She'll hurt McCain more than help

  11. I think it's going to depend on how she conducts herself, and how many skeletons she's got in her closet for the Democrats to dig up.

    In my opinion, though, this race is already over... McCain's got copious corporate backing and is toeing the corporate line, so he wins automatically.

    The corporate establishment doesn't like words like "change" and "hope." They like words like "safe" and "maintain."

  12. This just totally jumped the McCAin ticket by ALOT. watch the polls overthe next few days. he definately hit a homer with this one

  13. She's the event the right wing of the party has been waiting for. The Political donations to the Republican party have been down. Watch for them to take a giant leap up! I would say it's a huge help. 4 years from now, when a Republican woman is running for President, the Democrats will look dull and empty running Mrs. Clinton.  

  14. McCain just solidified his right flank.  Social conservatives will love her as a pick.

    He has just put a lot of Hillary supporters in a quandary, vote for the good old boys in the Dem party, who quite frankly dumped on Hillary, or vote for the best opportunity for a women to make it to the White House.

    I like Geraldine Ferraro's response, that this might just do it for McCain.  Unlike a lot of her Dem compatriots, Geraldine Ferraro showed real class, and that she really was the better half of the Mondale/Ferraro ticket.

    It's a great day for women.  

  15. Hurt. Sorta like a Mac Truck just ran over McCain.

  16. It absolutely kills his chances of getting elected

    Even his most devout supporters have to agree that Obama comes up short on being qualified to be president But the process happened the people spoke ,the  Democratic Party machine did what  it does and Obama became the nominee after the machine demanded that he pick Biden as his VP as a good cya move.

    What McCain did was the polar opposite of that:

    In a desperate effort to pick-up the female and Hillary voters he intentionally chose a person who he knows is completely unqualified to be president ....... and it's going to cost him the election.

  17. I can't predict this will hurt him or not but I am  sure of she was not the right choice.

  18. Captain Obvious says, "It would help Mccain."

  19. It hurts him big time.  

  20. hands the presidency right over to obama....

  21. I really don't think it does much either way. It might help him some with evangelicals but I don't see it helping too much with indipendents and Hillary supporters because she is pro life and relatively unknown besides in Alaska.

  22. Well from what I have heard from my friends that were undecided. This has hurt him totally. They tell me she is extreme and inexperienced so they have been swayed to the Obama ticket.  

  23. I think it hurts McCain. This is just one more Republican with ties to big oil.

  24. It will help him

  25. Sexism is more rampant, and unfortunately more accepted, in the US than racism.  Heck, he just nixed the fundamentalist vote

  26. I think it was a hard thoughtful choice made by McCain and his advisers. I'm sure all the potential candidates were carefully screened and she had the background. That she is a woman is incidental.She gave the right speech to convince me that a woman in the whitehouse will be an asset, and I'm from the old timers club.

  27. This was the smartest move he could have ever made! THIS HELPS HIM A LOT!!!

  28. three words..

    bye bye barry

  29. I was a Clinton supporter, and incredibly hesitant to go to Obama.

    His choice of a woman has brought me to his side. I think it was an incredibly smart move.

    It will probably take video footage of her eating children to get me to vote otherwise. I do not agree with a lot of trivial things that separate Reps and Dems, but the next presidency will have very little to do with abortion or g*y marriage. There is too much chaos going on for any major changes in those regards.

    She was an effective speaker. SHE was an effective speaker. Her inexperience (as some people have said) actually works to her benefit, I think. McCain is 72. He's got enough experience for the both of them. He needed someone interesting and unusual, someone bold. He chose correctly by picking her.

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