
Does Palin know what a VP does?

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Nope, she needs someone to explain to her what a VP does everyday. How in the world can she be VP? How does McCain think she could be president if something should happen to him?





  1. How could governor Clinton, and LOL Jimmy Carter (unknowns) become president?

  2. Her job description says:  Sit down, shut up, do what you're told, wave like you’re a beauty queen, never ever back talk your master, I mean, your president, sign over your State of Alaska for massive drilling and keep having those teeth whitened every 6 months.

  3. sure

    and barack knows how to bowl


  4. Man I am laughing my *** off, that was a dumb choice by the repubs.

  5. Her knowledge of government is far better than Obama's. Being the governor of the largest state in the union and opposing those big oil companies gives her far superior qualities than Obama. While liberals throw negatives about her experience to be in the second spot they try to cover up their presidential choices lack of experience and His poor choices for friends. Not to mention His socialist views which are echoed by his wife.

  6. Do democrats know what the govt does?

    Dems flailing to find anything wrong with Palin is too funny!!

  7. Palin will pale Mccain's chance of winning!

    Hillary is the best female and the republicans can't have her.  Instead... they get a Bimbo with an empty suit!

  8. Does Hussein know what a President does?

  9. I hope she does now. She didn't a month ago.

  10. Your question shows you ignorance.  

  11. Questions like these show an inherent nature in people to look down upon women.  

  12. Get over it!

  13. I agree. She doesn't have a clue. Just think about the shape our economy is in now and how bad it would be if we had them two running the White House. Wait Mccain is to old to run anywhere.  

  14. If you haven't heard Hillary is not in contention for any VP spot anymore.  Obama needs a copy of President for Dummies he has no idea what to do due to the fact Palin is more experienced than Obama.

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