
Does Palin look like a candy gram singer ready to remove her glasses, unpin her blouse and let down her hair?

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Does Palin look like a candy gram singer ready to remove her glasses, unpin her blouse and let down her hair?




  1. No, but the arab Obama's wife looks like a heavy set uporn star.

  2. No. She looks like the next Vice  president of the United States. Why you g*y.

  3. She is a wife, mother, Governor and so much more. She's a beautiful person with brains that she uses very well.  Some people never see a person for their real worth.  

  4. Yes she does....what a hottie.

    I would actually puke to see Michelle unpin her blouse.    

  5. boys will be saying MILF.....LOL which is mom id like 2 ****

  6. Well being that the woman closely involved in Obama's campaign (his wife) looks like a gorilla then it's gotta be a good thing!

  7. absolutely---she reminds me of a grown up gidget

    I never saw her before now and am not so sure I would recognize her without her costume---maybe in a  flick?

  8. YES she does actually...maybe she does that for ol jonny boy?

  9. Yes, now that you mention it.

    Not quite my idea of the Leader Of The Free World.

  10. Ironically, you probably think it's horrible that some folks may not want to vote for Obama because of what his skin looks like.

    Neither should be relevant.

  11. and how many perverted liberal men do you think she can convert votes from Obama? s*x sells. Good luck getting Biden in a mini skirt!

  12. MILF

  13. jealous much??

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