
Does Parking ticket for the expired Saftey inspection affects the insurance and goes to the driving record?

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Does Parking ticket for the expired Saftey inspection affects the insurance and goes to the driving record or insurance record




  1. No, this is a non moving violation.  Not a chargeable ticket.  It will show on your license, not insurance.

  2. no - these are normally "local" violations. If you get your vehicle inspected and show the court, they will normally dismiss the ticket or perhaps charge you a slight administrative fee for dismissal.

    Good luck and I hope this helps!

  3. Not quite understanding your phrasing of the question. You are (according to how I am reading your question) asking if you get a parking ticket for an expired inspection, does it affect your record? 1st, you only get a parking ticket for a parking violation, not a safety inspection. Something like an expired meter or parking in a handicap zone or loading zone will get you a parking ticket.

    A safety violation gets a safety violation. It affects the car, not the driver. That is not a moving violation or an accident. Your driving record is affected by your driving not your parking or inspection.

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