
Does Pasta go with Pizza Hut?

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Isn't Pizza Hut supposed to only sell pizza? I mean in the past few years, they've started selling chicken and cheesesticks and more variants. But now, I think they've taken it too far to pasta. Pasta has little or nothing to do with Pizza Hut. Either this is just a scam to get more money, or Pizza Hut's becoming an Italian Restaurant.




  1. haha "PASTA HUT". i wonder if they use tha same sauce for their pizza for their pastas. buh i guess sice pasta and pizza are both italian.

  2. in other parts of the world they've sold lasagna, spaghetti and other stuff for years. they're expanding that menu in other countries.

    i'm like. 20 and i can remember being like 9 and eating spaghetti whenever we went to pizza hut.

  3. Not relay but they do have on there lunch table when they sell it.

  4. I dunno, pasta and pizza I think go together decently! I personally wouldn't order out to get pasta, but, hey, it might be good. I say, give it a try before you say pasta doesn't go with pizza hut!

  5. Well they changed it to "pizza hut & italian resturant" So they can justify their pastas - although Pizza is Italian - so i suppose pasta can be put onto the menu.

  6. you know pizza was originaly created by italians, so Pizza hut is aready an italian fast-food place. it makes sense to put more italian food, in it goes with the pizza. :)

  7. Pizza n pasta do go together As far as I have ever heard Pizza is Italian

  8. Yeah, that's because of competition buddy. If they serve pizza alone, then only a few will have lunch or dinner in it. Adding pasta & all sorts will offer more choices to customers that they will not go & find other place to eat other than pizza. We all know that pizza is just a snack food like burgers & hotdogs, so if they add meals, people would patronize it more.

    Good times bro.

  9. Pizza Hut originated in America but Italian cuisine inspired, pizza is italian and so is pasta so I guess there is nothing wrong if they sell pasta, and also here in the Philippines there is Pizza Hut Bistro and ordinary Pizza Hut, the difference between the two is that the bistro offers more veriety in food than the ordinary one.

  10. If Pizza Hut is an Italian restaurant,Pizza Hut's selling only Italian food.If you think pasta is Italian food,that means pasta's sell too.

  11. i actually like and pasta do go together because they are both italian...but either way the pizza and pasta is really good=]

  12. Pasta in Pizza Hut at Chennai, India is delicious. Fast Food places usually diversify their menu to make more profit and to attract new clientèle.

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