
Does Pelosi have a Degree Worth Noting? She's Didn't go to Harvard. Is she a Lawyer?

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Does Pelosi have a Degree Worth Noting? She's Didn't go to Harvard. Is she a Lawyer?




  1. No. She's just as uneducated and dumb as Sarah Palin. But at least she has some experience.

    Sarah Palin- B.S. in communications from the prestigious University of Idaho. LMFAO.

  2. No, she's not a lawyer.  I'm surprised that she even has a college education based on what I've seen of her poor attempts at leadership and lack of skills dealing with people.  The only thing she excels in is her ability to stick her foot in her mouth and alienate people.

  3. The fact that she didn't go to Harvard seems to speak well of that institution.  

    I don't know where her degree is from but I would not brag about her being an alumnus of the school.  She contradicts and speaks without engaging her brain.  Her positions are not well thought out and she does not appear to be a deep thinker.  I think my five year old could take her at a game of chess.

    Her statement on the Catholic Church's position on abortion sums up her lack of qualities in this behalf.  

  4. apparently you don't need to be a lawyer to be a dictator.

  5. Pelosi was born to Italian-American parents in Baltimore, Maryland.[1] The youngest of six children, she was involved with politics from an early age. Her father, Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr., was a U.S. Congressman from Maryland and a Mayor of Baltimore. Her mother, Anunciata, was born in Italy and emigrated to the U.S. in 1911.[2] Thomas L. J. D'Alesandro III, one of her five brothers, also served as Mayor of Baltimore from 1967 to 1971.

    Pelosi graduated from Baltimore's Institute of Notre Dame high school and from Trinity College (now Trinity Washington University) in Washington, D.C.

    Her Major Mafia Tactics

  6. BA Trinity College (DC), 1962 more no less

  7. Some folks are just plain "book smart," and others just have no common sense or social skills.  Madam speaker fills both of these descriptions..


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