
Does Peta not believe in any kind of use of animals?

by  |  earlier

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I know they don't believe in eating meat but what about eggs,milk or anything else that comes from an animal, beings that most are abused and live in nasty enviorments. Im not a vegetarian so i was just wondering




  1. That's correct.  Their stance is that animals are equal to humans.  Their techniques have resulted in them killing animals as well.  So they can be considered hypocrites.  They are dangerous.  For a while they considered internal or homegrown terrorist.

  2. Correct. PETA believes that humans and animals should have no interaction. Their goal is the extinction of all domestic animals (such as cows, pigs, sheep, goats, even dogs and cats!)

    PETA wants:

    To end all human "exploitation" of animals - this includes, but is not limited to, raising  and slaughtering of livestock for human or animal consumption, eating meat, hunting,

    using animals for any medical or veterinary  research, zoos (regardless of how well managed), circuses, rodeos, horseshows,  dogshows, animals performing in TV  commercials, shows or movies (regardless of how well treated any of the above are), guide-dogs for the blind, police dogs, search & rescue dogs, and the practice of owning pets.

    ( )

    Some suggested reading about PETA:


  3. "Self discovery is the Best discovery", in my opinion.

    People's opinions vary and i too may not know the absolute truth so why not visit their site and find out as to what they do and what they don't do.

    Here is the link -

  4. Absolutely not. They oppose the use of animals as pets, service animals (such as seeing-eye dogs), food, zoos, circuses, lab animals, and any other interaction with humans.

    Because their position is so extreme, they don't make it clear to all of their public audiences. To some they are just like a human society, opposing animal cruelty. To others, they are vegans, to others anti-circus, and to the real faithful anti-everything.

  5. they hate the idea of animals being used for anything (food, entertainment ,etc .)some people hate them and some people like them.for some reason they are against milk when if the cow is not milked it could die

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