
Does Planet X or Nibiru exist?

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Does it actually exist? Also will it actually hurt us?




  1. Planet X: Yes - it is any potential 10th (X being the roman numeral for 10) planet. As we are still observing new objects on the outer fringes of the solar system, a ninth or tenth planet are still theoretically possible - but unlikely.

    Niburu: Yes and no. The real meaning of Niburu is the planet Jupiter, one of the 5 Planets (mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) the Sumerians knew.

    But there are also lies around about a fictional super-massive planet returning every 3600 years to wreck havoc on Earth. Around 1600 BC, all was fine on Earth. The Nebra Sky Disk was created around that time. Without a planet Niburu shown on it as important astronomical feature.

  2. <yawn, belch, f**t> No and no.


  3. no the planet nibiru does not exsist, or at least there is no evidence that it exsist so we dont know, we dont even weather nibiru is a star, a planet or even a comet or asteroid. we just know what the myths say, and myths are usualy wrong.

  4. Planet x definately exists. thats as much info i have. sorry!

  5. No.

    Great googly moogly, this is the 5th planet X/niburu/2012 question in a row.

    What has the History Channel put on now??



    I suspected as much. This is the reason the History Channel has lost all credibility with me. It really is a shame. They should be the ones helping to de-bunk all this nonsense, but instead they would rather propagate it.

    Don't worry about all this 2012 stuff. Its all psudo-science and superstition. If there were some massive planet on a collision course with Earth in 4 years, it would be visible to the naked eye by now.

  6. Are you talking about the destroyed planet that is now the astroid belt?

    It's funny how no one talks much about it (the belt)  It makes sense that a planet used to be there.  If you look at the spacing of the planets, they are all fairly evenly spaced apart...

    ...including the astroid belt.  Is that were life came from on Eath, and what destroyed Mars' atmosphere? Hmmmm....

    Anyway, that's the (former) Planet X that I heard about....

    *note to douchbag above*  If myths are always wrong, than how do you explain the Dogon tribe's understanding of a star system (Sirus) millions of miles away, that has been passed down from generation to generation?  Myths always begin with a truth.

    See the links below...

  7. No, No.

    Go to your public library.  Check every encyclopedia, almanac, scientific dictionary, astronomy text,  then run a data base search for journals.  Our library subscribes to Ebscohost.  It covers about 3000 journals.  You will discover no mention of Nibiru.  Now think real hard.  Why should that be?

  8. No.

  9. No and no.

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