
Does Political Correctness make your blood boil?

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Some do-gooders with a guilt complex see racism that isn't there:

I have written an article about this and would like to know how you feel about the crazy PC situation, you can also leave a comment on the article page if you want to.

Please let me know, thanks!!!




  1. No but Hillary does. "Say anything" should be her slogan just like Bill.  Policitcal correctness has its roots in Marxist communism. It is a misnomer in that it is not nessesarrily correct but is is polictical for sure. The tail wagging the dog!

  2. what makes my! blood boil is the growing army of  limp wristed w@nkers that live by it. the thing i always loved about Britain was the humour. the p**s taking out of them selves and every body El's. under the PC mob, Britain is becoming a miserable humourless place. i think we should rally together, round em all up and deliver them to the middle east as slaves.

  3. Yeah it is ridiculous and totally unnecessary. A lot of foreign people aren't even offended by these things. I saw that Transport for London Advertisement, that is just racism in reverse.

  4. Yes! It's crazy! everything these days is racist.

  5. Its like watching termites eating through a big tree,

    alone they cause no affect, in small groups they are a

    not a real threat, but in larger unmolested groups, they can cause untold damage,if England is not careful like the tree it will fall, I don't call this tree Britain , because I'm not sure that the other three wont leave a sinking ship?

  6. oh yes! we even have 3 little pigs banned now because it offends muslims! what a joke this country has become!

  7. You really are stupid aren't you?

    If emigrants were ruining the British way of life, that would be because they were leaving the country: basic English language, as you obviously have a loose grip on it - emigration = leaving a country; immigration = entering a country!

    It is only right and proper that we make everyone, of all faiths, nationalities and backgrounds feel welcome in this country; if we don't we end up with a situation like Northern Ireland where people of the same religion killed each other because of their faith.

    You are also selectively choosing isolated examples, 99.99% of which are not supported by any ethnic community, to try and justify your half-witted theory.

    So, to answer your question, no political correctness does not make my blood boil, because, despite being a person of no faith, I believe everyone was created equal, and should be treated as such.

    (On the subject of emigration, you wouldn't like to consider it as an option would you; the country would be far better off without racist, BNP-supporters, such as yourself).

  8. it has its reasons.

  9. Three little pigs were here before the immigrants and if they or PC prats dont like it tell them to F off back home

  10. Yes it does, what happened to freedom of speech. You can no longer voice your opinion without being classed as racist. I am not racist and have Muslim friends who agree things have gone too far.

  11. Yes, on a daily basis. Common decency and good manners are what should guide the individual in his/her treatment of others. PC is promoted as a way of ensuring equality for all yet it is failing miserably. It is dividing people/races, making each suspicious of the other, we perceive that particular groups views, eg immigrants, are given preferential treatment over those of the indigenous population. We see the rights of criminals given more credence than those of the victims. We see some of our young people behaving in anti-social ways that parents/teachers/police and the community are unable, or unwilling. to deal with as it may violate the little angels human rights. Multiculturism is dead in the water, we Brits are too busy fragmenting amongst ourselves, Scots hating English etc, questioning what "Britishness" means while the leftie liberals encourage us to deny and destroy our culture, history and identity in favour of it. My view is that PC has nothing to do with do-gooders or racism, it is about social control, only when a society questions it's every thought and action can it be truly controlled.

  12. yep.. why am i racist to have an opinion ... simple .. im not a foreigner in my own country !

    a foreigner has an opinion in MY native country and a new law is passed ..

    something ar$e about t!t there isnt there

    absolutely adore the GOLLY WOgS .. i have one sitting on top of my £ change jar ....LONG LIVE THE GOLLY

  13. I have read your article. It is badly written, full of half truths and outright distortions, one of your links doesn't go anywhere (the one about Gollies) and your link about the national anthem is irrelevant.

    EDIT: So now the Golly link works, what does it tell us? The occasional stupid person complains to the police. The police look into it, and find no offence and the Gollies are back on sale and display. Surely a victory for common sense? Nothing to do with PC, just the occasional over-sensitive idiot.

    Incidentally, whose fault is it that Gollywogs have become tainted. Is it the fault of the "PC Brigade", whoever they are? Or is it the fault of racists who use the term "wog" to describe and abuse black and Asian people?

    Other points in your article. Christmas is not under threat. That is a lie. What did you and I and millions of others celebrate a few weeks ago? Three Little Pigs banned? No, just an illustrated children's book not considered for an award. That's a little different to "banned" - but what do you and the Daily Express care about distorting language to make a spurious point?

    Actually a stupid decision, but not a ban. Muslims aren't offended by children's stories about pigs, they just won't eat them. Bit like us and dogs!.

  14. In blindly following the dead Mummy with empty skeleton of skull and bones that could not even think?

    Luke 9.55-56

    Who was dead and buried was long gone with time?

    Luke 9.60

    When we were living human kind and not the dead yet?

    The dead Mummy with two hands stretching out?

    Creaking and rattling with empty skeleton of skull and bones?

    Blindly searching the way back to the pyramids in Egypt?

    In bringing our little ones, own children, own generation and children of all tribes of different community along to their early grave as the "Last of the Mohican" in kicking the butts of God?

    With the dead Mummy risen up from the graveyards of failures and horrors of the past from different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom?

    Getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God in climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  15. 'Political Correctness' is a term used to describe language, ideas, policies, or behavior seen as seeking to minimize offense to ethnic, national, cultural, religious, gender, or other groups.

    You are responsible yourself for your correct political behavior, and if you have a problem with political correctness or if you like to offense ethnic groups it's your problem ...

    In Switzerland you can be punished if you offence an ethnic group. I don't know the laws of your country (USA?).

  16. i imagine that anybody on the receiving end of anything like political correctness would have more than their blood boiling.

    political correctness appears to have nothing to do with racism or any 'ism' because political correctness doesn't exist. it is a abstract concept like racism to pay off one's mortgages for the sanctimonious user.

  17. "it has its reasons"

    Indeed PC Does and so did Hitler have his reasons for killing 6million jews but it didn't make him right (Correct) lol

    "It is only right and proper that we make everyone, of all faiths, nationalities and backgrounds feel welcome in this country; if we don't we end up with a situation like Northern Ireland where people of the same religion killed each other because of their faith."

    That is exactly what it is doing. A multicultural country is by definition a country divided by cultures. What is being created are "Tribes" and not a people. Northern Ireland was divided not by the same religion but catholics and protestants which are basically the same theme. Just what do you think the problems will be and are with religions that are preaching different ways of living?

    "I certainly don't. I was brought up a Socialist Methodist and my attitude is dead simple, "all men are equal....etc."

    Indeed that is what the cheristian faith does preach but unfortunately that is not what the Muslim faith preaches


  18. Linda - Yes, it does make my blood boil and it is erroding the national identities of all UK countries on an ever increasing, daily basis.

    Timothy - Your a ********

  19. what really makes my blood boil is that they're getting rid of stiles because people in wheelchairs can't get over them. why would someone in a wheelchair be going into a muddy field anyway? It would get stuck! and why not just put a gate a bit further down the fence if they need to? it's bloody stupid, and they're ruining the country with their bloody PC overload! I mean, enough is enough!

    but I'm not racist in the slightest, I think that everyone is equal, and everyone should be able to live where they like, but also that people's lives shouldn't be controled by the government. people shouldn't be afraid to speak up for what they believe.

  20. I don't subscribe.  I am honest, direct and WYSIWYG.  If someone feels offended - tell me / and I'll address it.  If you choose to complain behind my back like a snake in the grass (or my ex-girlfriend) that's about you and nothing to do with me.

  21. Yes, and it mostly reaches my blood's boiling point. Blame the liberal left media for that massive mess. It is obsolete and sometimes archaic. NWA sys A B' Iz A B' while I say bull is bull and a cop is a cop. Do those people have a monopoly on the English language and everyday colloquial speech? Obviously not. We choose our own words for things instead.

  22. Not really.  It's like anything else.  If enough people don't like PC then it just dies a death.  It's just that simple.  This is a democracy and in all probability the majority support PC and don't have unreasonable attitudes anyway.

    I certainly don't.  I was brought up a Socialist Methodist and my attitude is dead simple,  "all men are equal....etc.

    Say no more.

  23. Someone here is obviously a big fan of Glenn Beck.  And on the issue of political correctness I completely agree with you.  When radical terrorists attacked a train system in the UK that resulted in many innocent deaths, the primary news corporation, the BBC, called these terrorists "misguided criminals".  I don't know whats worse honestly, misleading the public on the seriousness of a foreign attack or sugarcoating a very serious threat.

  24. to say that it makes my blood boil is an understatement and timothy m you are an ****!!! people these days are so scared to say anything  because it seems even just to comment on someones beliefs, race or colour and your branded a racist. i work on a building site and always have a laugh with the welsh, Scottish and Irish and we all take the mick out each about each others accents and history and such but it can be a very different story if their Asian or African or something. i strongly believe that if you move to a different country then you should respect their way of life and not expect them to suit you, just like if i moved to Iran i wouldn't expect them to consent to me building a church and to stop celebrating their annual event just to suit me so people shouldn't come here build ugly cheap looking ,mosques and to object to Christmas being celebrated especially in schools where they have some crappy watered down thing.

  25. where are MY rights then , yes it is MY country , NO im not a racist , any one who comes here should live by MY countries rules and not have rules made up by so called politically correct idiotic numpties , NORMAL PEOPLE STAND UP AND SHOUT DOWN POLITICAL CORRECTNESS ,                GOOD OLD CITIZEN SMITH .       COME BACK ALL IS FORGIVEN

  26. Yes it does boil my blood and I do think that some are trying so hard they invent situations.  

    Whatever happened to people being able to laugh at themselves or the goofy things/habits we have.  Sterotypes do have some truth to them - that is how they came to be.  Having an opinion that strays from the liberal social "norm" is considered politically incorrect.  What happened to freedom of speech, being allowed to have a non-liberal opinion or healty dialoge between two people that doesn't end up with someone shot dead?

    God forbid you are a Christian these days or don't think that Global warming is cause mostly by human impact even if the science supports your thought - people will attack you.  Next Al Gore will be saying if we all sway holding hands in the same direction we can correct Chandler's wabble.  

    Better not say Merry Christmas even though you are out buying Christmas Gifts because someone non-Christian might get upset instead of taking it as a well wish and good tiding.  

    I tap dance around what to call a person who appears to have African heritage because they might be from Jamacia and will be offended if I were to refer to him as African American - It's happened - but I also better not refer to them as "Black" Americans but they can call me a "White" American.

    Who doesn't laugh at a good ethnic joke?  Why are some more offensive then others?  Are we only allowed to tell the joke if it is our own ethnic group that is being made fun of but if someone else does we get offended?  Kind of like the N word - It is ok for one community to use that over and over to each other and call anyone they want that word but the minute someone outside that group uses it , they are fired, sensored and criticized.  My own husband as a teacher would endure being called this word over and over again (k-4 thru 8th grade) daily by kids who clearly learned this at home.

    I am tired of the double standards and lack of justice for ALL and not just some.

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