
Does President Musharraf's resignation help Pakistan's economy and sovereignty to get stable ?

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The civilian governments in the past has been corrupt and has proved to be incapable of running the country properly. Pakistan's army has never deceived the nation and has always been read to shed their blood and sacrifice for the sake of integrity of Pakistan.

I am personally of the view that he should remain and face impeachment but it might cause more disturbance in the country since he has allowed the past political culprits to stay in Pakistan.

The question is what would be the future of Pakistan after his resignation?




  1. Pakistan's sophisticated and powerful military will increase in power in the government.They will allow the corrupt lackeys of the USA that will become the official government to run Pakistan into the ground.

    In several years, the military will be running the show and install a puppet president.

    The Islamic fundamentalists, who have a sympathetic ear from many soldiers and officers, will also continue to increase in power.

  2. relation to topic terrorist LOL

  3. Any one who come to the seat should play genuinely...with out turning the country's economy to a personal bank account..that simple..

    Then again campaign pays off ...who doesn't..?

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