
Does Prince William have a combover?

by Guest60291  |  earlier

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Does Prince William have a combover?




  1. He certainly doesn't have hair like his brother, that's for sure. But I think they'll both end up balding, thanks to their dad, ahah

  2. Off the point, I know; but I feel that the correct rendition muct be 'comb-over'. Ity took me several seconds to work out the meaning as written in the question (some sort of skinhead attire?)

  3. Apparently, yes, and here is a photo to prove it. Sections of pink scalp peep out between tousled blond strands apparently combed forward in an attempt to hide the problem.

    According to the article most experts agree that male pattern baldness is actually passed on by the mother's side of the family. William's late grandfather Earl Spencer had a bald patch. Therefore, he did not get this "baldness gene" from Prince Charles.

  4. Yes.

    Poor thing :-(

    He should shave it now before he starts to look like Bobby Charlton.

  5. Not yet but it looks like it won't be long before he needs one.

  6. No, but he does have a baldspot on the top of his head.

  7. he should combover those sattelite ears

  8. Prince William is going bald just like his dad.  Bald is common among the males of the Royal Family.

    ....King Baldy I....etc

    PW losing his hair

    It won't make any difference, the girls will still scream whenever he comes into view.  

    I mean, when Elvis (the real King) was fat as a pig on stage in Las Vagas, the women still threw their knickers up on stage.

  9. No. But it does look like his hair is thinning at the his father Charles!

  10. He really should stop kidding himself and shave his head

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