
Does ProActive really work? ?

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Does ProActive really work? ?




  1. It depends on the severity of your acne. I tried it years ago  and it really made my skin worse, but that is because my skin required prescription strength medicine. The strength of the medication found in the proactive treatments is similar to what you would find in drug store brands.

    Also, if you have sensitive skin, then benzoyl (sp?) peroxide may not be the best thing to expose your skin to. It may cause more breakouts due to the irritation.

    You best bet is to go to a dermatologist and see what they recommend for your skin specifically.

  2. Most of my friends have used it & the results are horrible. My cousin used it and then he stopped using it the & his pimples came back even worst from the beggining.

  3. Before you spend all that $$$ try this:

    The soap and skin acre products you are using is probably making your condition WORSE….

    First STOP using commercial skin care! GO ORGANIC or ALL NATURAL. I had rosacea (red blemishes on the cheeks) until I started using TEA TREE OIL organic soap from: ($3 a bar). It cleared it up in like a week.... and this was something I battled with for YEARS!!!! You can tell the difference right away (like the first time).  Most Dr.’s would prescribe a pill or a cream with more (or worse) side effects than the condition itself!

    This place has TONS of "specialty" soaps for all kinds of skin problems...antifungal, antiseptic, ACNE, rosacea, psoriasis, rashes, poison ivy, oak and sumac, dandruff, fungal conditions, etc. It even works on problems you "can't explain".... If you don't see what you want ASK - they are SUPER helpful... even design a bar for your skin type based on your skin conditions - now that’s not something you find everyday....

    You want/need HANDMADE or hand-milled soap made the old fashion way. If not them, then “someone” else who sells handmade organic. Their soaps has GLYCERIN in them (a natural moisture retainer). In STORE bought soap glycerin is sold for profit and replaced with chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate which is listed in the encyclopedia as a skin irritant!!! I know, I couldn’t believe it either, but look it up! This chemical is found in like 98% of all STORE bought soaps. SCARY, HU? READ THE BACK! (Even the ones claiming to be natural or clean).

    TRUTH be told.... most people DON'T CARE what they use (even if it is a chemical) as long as it smells good.... But long term condition counts!

    Best of all they are CHEAP! Plus S&H is only $2, and I got my order in like 3 days.

    Most eco friendly products are so expensive you can’t AFFORD to save the world. Hope this helped....

    PS they also have something called acne tonic that might work (It did for me!)

    PSS - They are in the US but SHIP WORLDWIDE (anywhere you want for CHEAP!)

  4. YES! It really really really does work!!!!!!!!! I DEFINITELY  recommend this product to everyone!!! I have immaculate skin because of it! I've been using ProActive for 2 years now, and my skin is as clear as it could ever be! Their ADs are seriously not lying. I was a little skeptical at first, but I went ahead and gave it a try, and to my surprise it really did clear my skin. I wouldn't recommend anything else.  

  5. It depends. If you have mild break-outs and oily skin! Proactive might be for you! If you have dry skin don't! Very drying! Also if only goes so far... if you have severe acne like my sis did it sucks! My sis used it... hated it!

  6. I purchased pro-active in the states from a kiosk. i have been suffering from acne for years now.  when i started using it, my face broke out more so that its original state. on top of that, it dried out my face so terribly that it hurt! when i tried to return it after about two weeks, they wouldn't let me, saying i had to contact the company. i had originally paid around $70 and they sent me a cheque in the mail for $30!! in my opinion there are much better products out there than proactive.

  7. Yes, and No.  

    It can work fabulously for some people, giving them clear skin in just a few weeks.  Other people will never get results from it, and their skin will just get ore irritated and break out more from it.  Generally people with very oily skin and lots of acne can benefit from it, but if you have mild to moderate acne or have ever had ANY dryness, you're probably best to stay away from it.  Another problem can be (as several people have said) that once you start using it your skin gets so used to it that if you stop your skin will become an utter disaster.  But if you're willing to put time and money into trying it out, it could be worth a chance.

    Good Luck!  

  8. This question would be better asked to a professional (i.e. your dermatologist). However, I did mention this to my dermatologist a few months ago and he advised me not to use it as the results can be variable from person to person (as opposed to a prescribed acne medication by your dermatologist that is guaranteed to work). So it really depends on your type of skin.

  9. everyone's skin is different,so different products work for different people. personally, when i tried pro Active it made my skin worse. my skin turned all red, and dry, it sorta burned my skin. if u have sensitive skin don't try it. you should try a very mild cleanser. just because proactive has a tree step routine doesn't mean its all that great. i recommend neutrogena.

  10. It works really great for me! I have great skin thanks to it. But i think my face is like addicted to it now. :/

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