
Does Proactive really work?

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I'm talking about the skin care product that helps with getting rid of acne. I was thinking of trying it but I'd like to hear from others who've tried it first because there are just so many products out there that are a waste of time and money. So has anyone tried Proactive really work? Personal stories and experiences are welcome. Thanks in advance God bless.




  1. well, i use and and my mom uses it, we both have great results, but when my friend tried it it didn't work that great. so i hope i helped you!

    good luck!  

  2. I had a really bad pimple break out after my second child.  I tried Proactive and I really like it.  The facial wash  exfoliates, the lotion can be put all over your face so it gets rid of the pimples you have and prevents new ones(very little drying if any), and I absolutely love the Refining for the toner well I don't see how it helps and I just toss it.  Also Proactive is pretty affordable, I've seen it for 19.99 every 2 or 3 months (can't remember) for a set of four product and a helpful booklet.  I actually canceled my subscription to it because you get so much and you really don't have to use a lot for it to work.  So I ended up with a year supply with just after 3 shipments.  Hope this helps.  Oh and My complexion is so fair that you can see anything or everything on it, don't know but I might be a little lighter than you.

  3. I've a friend who tried it. She says it DOES work but she had to wait about FOUR MONTHS before her complexion improved significantly. She also said if you're careful, you can get the products to last 8 - 10 weeks as opposed to the recommended 6 weeks. So it's much better value than it first appears.

  4. Yep it totally works. You just have to use the 3 step system every morning and night, or you won't get results. If i don't use Proactive even just a couple times, i break out. It really does work. =] Good luck

  5. If you have severe acne and no scarring, you will see results.  But if you are a person that just gets a few pimples occasionally or often, it's not worth your money.  In the end, it will never rid you forever of acne if your skin is prone to it, the product would just help you manage it.  

  6. I used it for years.  It worked great initially, but I think my skin became immune to it and I started to break out again.  I changed to Neutrogena Clean & Clear, it's a good oil free scrub, I use it at night, and I also use a face wash called Zoderm prescribed to me by my dermatologist, I use that one in the a.m.

  7. for some ppl it does but for others it doesn't

    if it doesn't work for you, you can use neutragena and

    clean and clear!

  8. deffinetley worked for me..

    you just have to keep up the routine of using it for a few days.. alot of people kind of skip a day or a step you know?

    but if you follow it it works WONDERS!

  9. weeelll 2 of myy friiends haavee triied it andd one of theem

    got goood resultss the ootheer one nott so muchh.

    it reaally depends on urr skiin typee and howw u useee it.

    one of myyy frriiends noww hasss some dryy skiin becauuse

    off usiing it everrydayyy and too ooofteen. soo nooww shee has

    to ussee creaam to go backk to herrr softt skiiin. my oother friendss

    skiin is better aaand its actualllyy wooorking. sooo oncee agaiiin

    depeeends on urr skiiin typpee. i woulddnt buy iitt unlesss your dermatologiist recommendss itt. uu dont waant to waaste mooney 4 notthiiiing

    goooooood lucccckkk!!!!


  10. Apparently it's super strong - or my face is just really sensitive - because when I tried it, it burnt the cr*p out of my face.  I had to stop using it.

  11. no no NO NO no.

    as affective as a brick.

  12. NO!

    it didn't work 4 me...

    && i also know 2 other people who have

    tried it,&& it didn't help...

    don't waste ur money on it...

    unless u r gonna try it && send tha bottles

    back in less than 30 days 2 get ur money back!

  13. NO!!! dont waste your money.

  14. Yes, it worked reallly well for me.

    Within the first week i saw major improvments.

  15. A friend of mine tried it for a few months and really stuck to it because he was super determined to get ride of his acne, but in the end it didn't do all that much. It was much too harsh and ended up making his skin break out in redness because of the proactive itself! He ended up buying this gentle 'milk' cleanser from the pharmacy that ended up working a lot better for him.

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