
Does Professional Help really work?

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I think I'm close to schizophrenic. I know I have multiple personality disorder and I've grown accustomed to it, but it feels like they influence my actions more and more when I get under stress or when I feel something is rightfully mine. I've been told by a close friend that I should see someone but I don't think they can do anything. The only time my "condition" is a hazard is when something provokes it, in a negative way. And what I mean by that is sometimes I work to make the situation as bad as possible, for everyone just because it seems like it should be so. I don't know if taking pills and babbling to a bald guy is going to change anything...




  1. Under the circumstances, your question should not be does it work, but how soon can I get into a professional, a psychiatrist or psychologist, to get started on treatment.

  2. Hawk, professional help is your only option.  

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