
Does Puerto Rico have its own economy?

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Are prices there the same as we pay for everything on the mainland USA? Or can USA residents "find" exchange rate deals shopping there?




  1. Exchange rate?  Same US dolar, no exchange.

    Prices in PR vs prices in USA? A very few articles may be more economical here, the mayority the same or more expensive.

  2. No exchange rate. We're american we use the dollar too.

  3. I am from Puerto Rico and the prices here are maybe a LITTLE bit lower, but usually the same or more expensive. Lately life in Puerto Rico is becoming more and MORE expensive.

  4. no exchange.

    we use the same US dollar.

    the cheapest things that u can find are the products produced in this island. its a bit expensive as well, and we pay a cent more of tax than the state of florida does.

    our economy its not good, even thought we do have products to run the country. the problem is the people and government. we have lots of products that we trademark from here to other countries, especially with the US, the problem is that people dont want to work the factories and fields anymore. people are mainly in universities and working as profesors, doctors and other careers that dont require the production of our economy, so if their is no workers there is no productivity even thought we do have the materials, but they are fading, specially the agriculture area. the government is not aministrating the money like is suppose to, there is too much corruption internally and money just go god knows where.

    the only thing that is lifting up puerto rico is American factories,rum and tourism, otherwise its practically nothing. we use to have great production in sugar cane, coffee, and agriculture, but lately we have to depend on other countries to get those products since puerto ricans dont want to work the land because the companies pay so little that foreigners are basically working the land and their is only a few, not enough for puerto rico to survive economy, foreigners rather work in the US than over here in puerto rico. its a miserable pay and a high living cost island.

  5. is the same.

  6. its the same dollar but if its make in pr is more cheap but if its brought form the mainland its about the same or sometime a little more expensive because it was brought all the way here

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